Jews Did 9/11 *PROOF*
Created on: August 27th, 2007
Jews Did 9/11 *PROOF*

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August 27th, 2007
How coincidental. 5'd
August 27th, 2007
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Q33 NY doesn't mean anything. cOLD news.
August 27th, 2007
*gasp* proof.
August 27th, 2007
if wingdings says it is then I believe it!
August 27th, 2007
This is awesome.
August 27th, 2007
August 27th, 2007
This is old but still, lulz.
August 27th, 2007
The Q33 is the bus from Times Square to Laguardia Airport.
August 27th, 2007
It's all true.
August 27th, 2007
Nice spin on some old humor... U GITZ 5ZES111!!!11
August 27th, 2007
Of course!
August 27th, 2007
saltzmans a jew