professor's recent comments:

November 2nd, 2004
On on the site ?James T. Kirk
Hey, this sounds familiar.
July 7th, 2004
On on the site ?
Only problem, ugoff=boon.
June 25th, 2004
Google "a homage" = 48,900 hits Google "an homage" = 71,200 hits You Lose.
June 20th, 2004 could I forget that one :D 5/5
June 19th, 2004
Excellent. 5
June 16th, 2004
picard > milton
June 15th, 2004
On on the site ?My Physics Teacher
Science rules. This doesn't.
June 15th, 2004
On on the site ?THOR
5. Herb rules.
June 15th, 2004
On on the site ?BUTT SAUCE!!!@!@##^%4
Meh. Few stars for a Postal ref.
June 15th, 2004
Fix teh loop. Otherwise worthy of a 5.
June 15th, 2004
On on the site ?The Champion!!1
June 15th, 2004
Hey, something funny instead of "OMG U TREK f*gORTS SUK." I commend you.
June 12th, 2004
On on the site ?Quagmire song
giggety giggety giggety
June 11th, 2004
On on the site ?We Will Rock You
You cant even loop that? GARBAGE!
June 11th, 2004
suck city
June 10th, 2004
Because homage is not pronounced with a hard H, like "homo."
June 8th, 2004
On on the site ?Gunther Kirk
Let me start by saying, "I am so, so sorry."
June 7th, 2004
OK. I knew it had been done before. Sorry, but I thought we needed a good one. ;)
June 7th, 2004
My tribute to the Picard song. Long live Picard!