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Your search for "Presidents/" returned 1,297 results in 0.003 seconds.
site user score views date
?Fred Dalton Thompson. NotoriousAmishG (1.92) 1,568 2008-01-14
?Mr President Saves ET C5R2 (1.00) 301 2008-01-12
?Sparta Defeats Truman! lpgunit (3.67) 3,748 2008-01-12
?President Barack Obama: Day 1 victz (3.77) 7,622 2008-01-10
?VOTE FOR RAWN POLL FOR PRESIDENT IN T... DarthWang (3.61) 1,379 2008-01-08
?Huckabee's going to win ELG (3.35) 1,390 2008-01-06
?Vote America! jasonkrowe (3.63) 1,328 2008-01-05
?Richard Nixon gets a Strike bobfunland (2.50) 1,219 2008-01-03
?Sex Kitten For President drjustice (1.20) 725 2008-01-01
?Mister Duklaham™ Kacen (3.80) 1,370 2008-01-01
?(nsfw) Move Bitch Mezriss (2.78) 1,141 2007-12-23
?George W. Bush's Epic Fail bender709 (3.18) 2,988 2007-12-19
?Your Next President excusemesenator (3.67) 1,678 2007-12-19
?Your next president tenuki1 (2.13) 1,376 2007-12-18
?Domo Kun for president! Feuerfreiguy (3.67) 3,466 2007-12-11
?Ron Lol Will Not Become President NCJRB (1.55) 1,529 2007-12-07
?Vote bozzie bozmeister (3.67) 854 2007-11-25
?That's you, that's how dumb you... DraconisNeurocam (3.00) 5,345 2007-11-21
?Chuck Norris for the president! omgitspins (2.60) 1,469 2007-11-20
?The REAL Bill Clinton Workout Smith-Man (3.43) 1,707 2007-11-20
?The Best Line in Godfather Part 2 Trilkin (3.58) 986 2007-11-19
?Stephen Colbert President 08 MBaaaa (2.33) 641 2007-11-17
?watermellon for president unfeasible (1.40) 675 2007-11-14
?The coolest president, supermod, and god you eve... Captain-L337 (2.22) 1,202 2007-11-13
?COLBERT CAN STILL BE PRESIDENT! JLen503 (2.00) 817 2007-11-12
?8 - Oxygen mike-smith (4.44) 4,904 2007-11-11
?PRESIDENT BUSH HAS AN IQ OF.... henrygraham (2.00) 889 2007-11-08
?Ron Paul raises over 3 million today katfu (3.30) 1,549 2007-11-05
?(nsfw) PRESIDENT 2008 filibuster (3.34) 9,043 2007-10-29
?Presidente Jokez™ MurdarMachene (3.85) 12,694 2007-10-28