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dont need to insult islam cause they dont insult me. GO FUCK YOURSELF
?987654 |
prairiedogeric10 |
(2.83) |
1,281 |
2013-11-17 |
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^This has to be the most retarded of self righteous posts I have ever seen. I think you need a short civics and social science lesson.<br /><br />[b]1.[/b] 'Muhummadd' is a play on words with 'Muhummad', a prophet of Islam.<br />[b]2. [/b]Islam is a religion, not a race. There are black, white, asian and middle eastern followers of Islam. Therefore, any (deserved) mockery of this violent and vile religion is not racist.<br /><br />[b]3. [/b]Islam also happens to be one of the harshest of religions today in the 21st century. They willfully stone gay people, women who cheat on their husbands, women who have sex before marriage and other minor sexual infractions. Often to death. Survivors die soon after.<br />[i][b]3a. [/b][/i] They have a litany of other harsh penalties for even minor crimes. Thieves often have one or both hands chopped off.<br />[i][b]3b. [/b][/i] Please read up even a little bit on Sharia Law.<br /><br />[b]4. [/b] An [i]Islamist[/i] is a slang term, for one who advocates for Islam, usually quite aggressively, sometimes violently. If you don't think such people exist, I suggest you read some international news of any kind.<br /><br />[b]5. [/b] A 'left wing islamist' is one who favors both left wing politics and also either sugarcoating the crimes of islam or simply advocating for the religion. This includes non muslim westerners who propagate the lie "Islam is the a Religion of Peace". I think these people are disgusting, because they are clearly ignoring the inhumane deeds done in the middle east in the name of Islam.<br /><br />[b]6. [/b] I am sick of western apologists for this horrible religion who accuse its critics of racism. Die in a fire.
?987654 |
prairiedogeric10 |
(2.83) |
1,281 |
2013-11-17 |
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What a fucking hypocrite you are, condemning and correcting me while letting the extremes of a religion represent it ad a whole. Its ignorance like that that fosters prejudice in the god damn first place. There are friends of my family that are Islamic, and they are some of the most peaceful, respectable people I know. Not to mention one of their brothers works for Raytheon, developing guidance systems for US missiles.<br /><br />And racist can be used here how i used it because this slackjawed ytmnd yokel drew a picture of a non white person as a stereotype, drawing upon racial identifications in the caricature.<br /><br />But getting back to the obvious point, you're letting extremes speak for the majority. You're letting governmental policy of other countries speak for an ideology. Here are terrible Christians, terrible Muslims, terrible Jews, terrible wiccans and terrible Ytmnders. Judy because you read an article online that describes a whole religion as being a certain way doesn't make it true, and doesnt make it an accurate representation of a whole people.<br /><br />So keep breaking down my choice of words while jumping on the easy bandwagon of criminalizing people that are different then you.<br /><br />I've seen your sites and your comments. What religion are you? How do you explain the universe and your place in it. I really want to know.<br /><br />Because I guarantee that however you respond, there are legions of ignorant ass folks out there that would break you down just like you did to me and like you did to Islam.
?987654 |
prairiedogeric10 |
(2.83) |
1,281 |
2013-11-17 |
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And I apologize for the typos, I'm on a phone with crazy Islamic auto correct. I'm not apologizing to you, mad dog soldier-boy (apparently that's what you are, a boy - not a man) I'm apologizing to others who read this forum thread and get a howl out of your assholian antics, you animaniac. Lol that's what you are. From here on out you're the animaniac.
?987654 |
prairiedogeric10 |
(2.83) |
1,281 |
2013-11-17 |
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[i]"What a fucking hypocrite you are, condemning and correcting me while letting the extremes of a religion represent it ad a whole."<br />[/i]<br /><br />It's not hypocritical, it is addressing reality. The only hypocrisy is in looking at the clear evidence around the world.<br /><br />"There are friends of my family that are Islamic, and they are some of the most peaceful, respectable people I know. Not to mention one of their brothers works for Raytheon, developing guidance systems for US missiles."<br /><br />That's nice. I am sure there are also black people who listen to country music.<br /><br />[i]"But getting back to the obvious point, you're letting extremes speak for the majority. "[/i]<br /><br />Bullshit! These trends happen in every country where there is a large muslim population, all across the middle east. Right now, in places like Egypt and Lebanon, the muslims are burning down Coptic Christian churches and killing their members. They also have perpetual wars all around Africa.<br /><br />It has even gotten to the point where large numbers of muslims are bullying their way in Europe. So many of them are demanding sharia law in England and Holland.
?987654 |
prairiedogeric10 |
(2.83) |
1,281 |
2013-11-17 |
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just to let you know - critique of Islam [b]is not[/b] support for the Iraq War.<br /><br />Also, I do not use "we" when talking about the US government. They do not represent or speak for me, even though they say they do.<br /><br />I would never willingly support someone like Saddam or any of the other dictators the US government has supported.
?987654 |
prairiedogeric10 |
(2.83) |
1,281 |
2013-11-17 |
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I am no stranger to these excuses.<br /><br />Ali is from the USA. He did what he did to evade the Vietnam War draft. His name would still likely be "Cassius Clay" had there been no such threat. If you don't believe me, many young men ran to England and Canada to avoid the draft back in the 1960s. So why not other diversionary tactics?<br /><br />I don't expect him to support violence against women because he was not raised to believe in such things as an American. Especially when his reasons for apparent conversion might not actually be religious.<br /><br />Just telling me that it is a billion people who are muslim does not mean anything regarding what they believe. Why do we not hear about moderate muslims who denounce those who demand Sharia law? Why do we not hear about the 'non-extremist' muslims who denounce honor killings? You would think from those billion there would be some more who are vocal and loud.<br /><br />Also, explain to me why so many muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Dubai, Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, as well as Nigerian and Sudanese regions have state enforced Sharia law.<br /><br />Also, explain to me why when a country becomes [b]more[/b] Islamic why then it is more likely to have Sharia law and women forced to wear veils on their faces: <br />http://www.thebenevolentforce.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Before-A<br />nd-After-The-Iranian-Revolution1.jpg
?MARV: Marvspace Suicide |
DarthWang |
(3.92) |
3,239 |
2013-12-17 |
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Don't you and the religious zealot here have some Islam bashing and American Taliban spamming to do? <br /> <br />Ohh, and hey, remember that time you said you had nothing against the Jews because you'd even slept with one? Yeah, that was fucking classy, you hypocritical piece of shit with mush for brains.