The Triforce is in Naruto!
Created on: January 14th, 2006
The Triforce is in Naruto!

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February 23rd, 2006
4'd for Zelda referance.
February 26th, 2006
The Tri-force is a religious symbol in Japan. So it's not neccisarily a Zelda refernce:\
March 4th, 2006
I hear it's also the shape of an office building in the U.S.
...I think not!
October 6th, 2006
My God!
October 23rd, 2006
ownign zelda muic alone would give this a five. Naruto gives it a 5, somehow you got a ten. be happy and do a dance :). Nice job !!!
May 31st, 2007
I thought this manga was bad, but I never knew it was plageristic. *hunts down shogen jump*