The Lazytown Nightclub
Created on: June 7th, 2006
The Lazytown Nightclub
Lazytown...after hours...when all the children are sleeping


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June 7th, 2006
Very nice **** indeed.
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
Wow, this is...absolutly incredible ****!!
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
God damn that movie. I knew there was a reason I was creeped out by the cake girl! 5 for closer, your internet tastes like heaven.
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
Haha, the image has been done before but not with Blur. This is f*cking genius
June 7th, 2006
If you do the ****ing by the book, then you'll have a ****
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
Just for the record...Actually...I didn't steal windows95's audio. I did the editing myself and actually made better.
This sucks so you get a 1, but since i like it, +17 = 12 = 5, but still it sucks, so you get a 1, but I'll round up because i 5'd you.
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
windows95, nothing was stolen you insignificant worm. Your site sucked noone liked he, he used a better clip with a stripper and the fad song, you loose.
June 7th, 2006
There are not enough stars to express how much I lol'd
June 7th, 2006
both the audio and move clip have been done already.
June 7th, 2006
Well lets see it mikey.
June 7th, 2006
This is kinda hot. >_>
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
this has only been done 8 times
June 7th, 2006
why is this upandcoming?
June 7th, 2006
this has been done before. years ago. but funny still.
June 7th, 2006
Closer deserved an oscar just for that scene alone...
June 7th, 2006
Bleep fad + Lazytown fad + Strippin' Portman gets my 5.
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
June 7th, 2006
Seen 3 versions of this, still an 4.
June 7th, 2006
I'd f*ck Stephanie before I f*cked Natalie Portman. 5d for brilliance though.
June 7th, 2006
funny, but it's been done.
June 7th, 2006
June 8th, 2006
June 8th, 2006
Windows95 and Dantheman have pretty much said what needs to be said. Let me add, however, that "What does your c*nt taste like?" "Heaven." Is one of the greatest exchanges in film history right in this same scene.
June 8th, 2006
Indeed, Natalie Portman is f*cking hot.
June 8th, 2006
June 8th, 2006
Lawl but what movie is this
June 8th, 2006
"Closer", I think.
June 8th, 2006
Windows 95 is still around after that failure during the search for the secret song?
June 8th, 2006
You know....if you slow this down just a little bit, Stephanie will actually sound like a woman.
June 8th, 2006
Windows XP is better than windows95
June 8th, 2006
^ O Rly?
June 8th, 2006
I cannot downvote this. I also cannot wait until stephanie gets breasteses.
June 8th, 2006
I saw this coming from a mile away
June 8th, 2006
LOL! Winner!
June 8th, 2006
You're horrible.
June 8th, 2006
the balogna is in the nest, the pastrami is recyclable.
June 8th, 2006
Anything involving lazytown will always get a 5
June 8th, 2006
i f*cking love this clip
June 8th, 2006
lazytown blur!!!
June 8th, 2006
lol, blur.
June 8th, 2006
555 ROFL
June 8th, 2006
LOL!!!!! sexy
June 9th, 2006
"You know that I love cock"
June 9th, 2006
Yeah, someone had her holding a kama sutra book with the same bleeps and everything. I'm sure you made it, but it's not original.
June 9th, 2006
I feel so dirty now... and I love it!
June 10th, 2006
for a second that looked real and just scared the sh*t outta me
June 14th, 2006
June 14th, 2006
f*ck win
June 23rd, 2006
June 27th, 2006
June 27th, 2006
June 27th, 2006
Sir, I am in your debt.
June 29th, 2006
slow it down a lil and i'd 5 it
June 29th, 2006
I'm laughing SO hard
June 30th, 2006
You ripped me off... http;//
July 1st, 2006
^ Only difference is...mine is creative...yours a plain and boring. I've gota a better rating, more votes, and more viewers. Get a life and stop whining you downvoting scum!
July 2nd, 2006
HAHA 5'd
July 4th, 2006
f*cking awesome.
July 4th, 2006
Oonter... I 5'd it... but after reading that comment that you've just made, you've also proved that you're an *sshole. So, you get a 1.
July 4th, 2006
^lol, ok?
July 5th, 2006
July 6th, 2006
July 6th, 2006
Yeah this one is better then those but -1 for being braggart about it.
July 7th, 2006
I apologize for bragging, everyone. That's just wrong. I just really despise downvoting. I've upvoted more than down. But I should be doing more 2s,3s, bad
July 7th, 2006
OMG! LOL. Never use a messy **** or the *** will end up ****y
July 8th, 2006
LMFAO!! hahaha You gotta do the **** by the book... You know that I love ****
July 8th, 2006
I like this...
It should be "Finally it's time to a ."
July 10th, 2006
July 10th, 2006
July 11th, 2006
July 13th, 2006
meh, sometimes he you have to point out the facts when people attack you...
July 16th, 2006
You know, if you wanted the perfect woman, just combine Natalie and Stephanie, but make her closer to Natalie's age... and have her keep the pink hair.
July 18th, 2006
"you know that i love cock" best edit ever
July 19th, 2006
Oops, I just downvoted windows95. It just kinda slipped.
July 22nd, 2006
ROFL. Seriously.
just because your site has more views, more votes and a higher rating does not mean that it's cool for you to steal ideas and/or rip off other people's ytmnds without giving credit where it's due.
July 24th, 2006
^When did I ever admit to stealing?! Never, cuz I never did steal! And I did give credit where it's due. Lazytown and Closer. BTW, read my comment about the apology
July 30th, 2006
Natalie Portman FTMFW!! 5'd and Fav'd
August 1st, 2006
HA! it is a piece of cake to f*ck a cake, and natalie portman is incredibly hot in that movie
August 1st, 2006
you fail, please try again ^_^
August 6th, 2006
I broke myself laughing and crying.
August 6th, 2006
It makes me happy to think about the lazytown girl in ten years.
August 7th, 2006
August 8th, 2006
Natalie Portman, you are a goddess
Great, I just shot milk out of my nose....
August 9th, 2006
August 10th, 2006
OMG! What r kids watching these days!
August 11th, 2006
So basically you stole the sound and image from two different ytmnds and combined it together into a stupid ytmnd? I congratulate you.
August 11th, 2006
Oh lawd
I feel kinda dirty now.
August 13th, 2006
August 13th, 2006
August 14th, 2006
2'd for fad
August 19th, 2006
"So basically you stole the sound and image from two different ytmnds and combined it together into a stupid ytmnd? I congratulate you." what he said
August 20th, 2006
August 25th, 2006
You failed to credit. Too bad I cant vote lower than one.
August 27th, 2006
upvoted :D
August 31st, 2006
hell yeah
September 2nd, 2006
Lol, "you know that I love ****"
September 3rd, 2006
September 4th, 2006
This is great. Nice sound editing.
September 7th, 2006
"So basically you stole the sound and image from two different ytmnds and combined it together into a stupid ytmnd? I congratulate you."
September 8th, 2006
Umm, can I get arrested for enjoying this?
September 10th, 2006
September 10th, 2006
holy sh*t i need to rent that movie. thank you for craeting this ytmnd. although not stellar, you still mamaged to dictate my wed. night plans.
October 22nd, 2006
LMAO! 'You gotta do the ******cking by the book, never use a messy ****ing ***ck, then we'll end up crazy!'
October 23rd, 2006
I Love You.
November 17th, 2006
5 for fake steph :)
December 6th, 2006
December 15th, 2006
lol you nailed it!!
January 2nd, 2007
up there with the count song, leet
January 11th, 2007
Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An Upvote.
January 20th, 2007
Oh my.
April 1st, 2007
Pretty Hilarious...especially if you know the words! Perfect 'beep' placement...they make the whole thing.
April 7th, 2007
thank you
April 26th, 2007
July 10th, 2007
Mine eyes have seen the glory!
December 1st, 2007
Bleeps make everything funny.
July 27th, 2009
FIVED for Bleeping