Pirates of the Caribbean summary
Created on: July 7th, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean summary
Yes. All this is true. I just saved you two and a half hours.


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July 7th, 2006
My summary of the movie: A movie with the words "man's chest" in the title? GAY. A movie where Keira Knightley is dressed like a girl in the commercials? GAY. Also, NOOOOOOOO! YOU BITCH!
July 7th, 2006
I guess you ran out before the end to make this, I saw it yesterday (international date line FTW) and I would suggest that the ENTIRE final scene is about getting Jack back... in the next movie. BTW: Ball rolling is fun!
July 7th, 2006
Jack can always come back... also cocks.
July 7th, 2006
I made this as soon as I got home. I'll make a Katamari one if I can.
July 7th, 2006
July 7th, 2006
I was going to vote one if you didn't mention Katamari. I was pleasently mistaken.
July 7th, 2006
If I hadn't of seen it a midnight last night, I would be SO pissed off right now.... but yeah everything was true in this YTMND!
add also cocks at the end for a 5.
July 7th, 2006
XD It's funny cause I did hum the theme to Katamari in several points during the movie. *bites apple*
July 7th, 2006
Pointless spoilertmnd
July 7th, 2006
July 7th, 2006
July 7th, 2006
Id still like to see it, you should have ended it with 'snape kills dumbeldore' instead though, IMO
July 7th, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean theme = new Epic Manuever music :)
July 7th, 2006
Dude, Jack'll be coming back. However, didn't think of the Katamari connection. Definitely ruined that part of the movie for me.
July 7th, 2006
The skeet part made me laugh, I too saw the midnight showing. +4 for funny and good music -1 for i dunno making a spoiler.
July 8th, 2006
NOOOOOO! YOU BITCH! haha jk but it was a good movie.......aside from the fact that BARBOSSA WAS DEAD!!!!! HE CANT COME BACK!!!......stupid disney continuity
July 8th, 2006
July 8th, 2006
...but everybody is cheering at my theater when it ended. I can imagine "n*gg* Stole My Bike" YTMNDs when clips start coming in.
July 8th, 2006
July 9th, 2006
He doesn't die. Next film is OBVIOUSLY about them going to find him. Disney went upmarket, didn't they?
July 9th, 2006
He doesn't die, obviously. How they bring him back is the real kicker. I'm assuming that Jack killed the Kraken, as you can't really have been swallowed by that thing. It's rather simple though and is a somewhat little-known technique. Jack was probably aiming for the brain, which he would hit. Kills the Kraken instantly. Somehow Jack survives and makes it to Asia (there's some pictures floating around of him in a Samurai suit). HAPPY ENDING?
July 10th, 2006
me hates cliffhangers
July 11th, 2006
dude i just saw it and that cliffhanger blows. Nicely put with the skeets on Jack. If anythign the Pirates series is rippin off starwars. the kraken = the sarlack pit from episode 6. Only thing was that different was the cliffhangers from starwars didnt BLOW. yea sry im pissed at tht movie and had to rant
July 11th, 2006
I like'm movie.
July 14th, 2006
Nice but it was 30 years not 13.
July 14th, 2006
Bojangles: It's 13, either rewatch the movie or read the wiki. I hope Jack gets Elizabeth, because Will is such a pussy. The entire second to last scene was dedicated to setting up Jack's return in 3. The last scene was about cannibals making a dog their chief. I missed the Katamari connection, what's the connection? I barely stopped myself from making Zoidberg's whooping sounds when I first saw Davy Jones.
July 14th, 2006
HA-ha..I saw it before you all!...I work at a movie theatre...BISHES! XD
July 14th, 2006
P.S. Spoiler alert..........................................................................................................The black chick is Davy's love! X3
July 19th, 2006
katamari wtf?
July 20th, 2006
Just found a copy of the movie and made the Katamari one.
July 20th, 2006
July 22nd, 2006
Good job. HELLO BEASTIE! hellobeastie.ytmnd.com
July 23rd, 2006
Lol i saw it before you wrote that so i dont hate you. someone else ruined it for me though. and you know they're going to bring jack back. Why? So they can make more money.
July 31st, 2006
I avoided this till after I watched the movie, and you were right. I totally hummed Katamari. Also, there's no certainty behind Jack's death...
August 7th, 2006
i thought ti was kinda funny, cause when i went to thge midnight viewing of this movie i told my friends the ending... 5 cause i laughed at the skeet and kiera knightly being horny
August 17th, 2006
My girlfriend was all, "Damn, I wish I was Elizabeth. She got tongue from Jack." I was all, "Damn, I wish I was the Kraken, he got Jack inside him." Win.
August 18th, 2006
I've already seen the movie so I can vouch that you got #5 wrong. Why? I didn't hum it. You fail on #5. =P