Created on: September 21st, 2006
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September 21st, 2006
I like it. :)
September 21st, 2006
Artsy :)
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
Art is stupid these days, I see it as a faded old man nest to a keyboard with splattered paint on it...Modern Art sucks, old art actually meant something.
September 21st, 2006
Grunge - it never goes out of style.
September 21st, 2006
Yeah old art was, lady looking at man who is holding umbrella for her, walking through a park. The mean there was... He's like holding the umbrella for her and stuff, and they are walking in the part. I see your point TehMonkey.
September 21st, 2006
Supporting my cause.
September 21st, 2006
Dont forget to look at my profile for some artmnds
September 21st, 2006
i'd never vote on a site that proclaims itself art, but then, that's just what you want. bastard.
September 21st, 2006
^hey, don't talk sh*t about modern art. learn some art history before you say something so ignorant. without divergance from "the cannon" and prevalance of art from the artists who rose throughout art's period of modernism, stuff like this (ytmnd) wouldnt even bee considered art.
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
Cool, kinda ironic, but this might become a fad
September 21st, 2006
audio clip is smile? smile what
September 21st, 2006
I always thought the point of art was to be pretty. I always thought pretty was a personal opinion based on your interpretation of the picture. I always thought people who can, without hesistation, call every modern art piece meaningless were pompous jackasses :\
September 21st, 2006
Modern art makes alot of sense. Its about feelings and viewing pleasure. so f*cking blow tehmonkey.
September 21st, 2006
Sexymofo will upvote this.
September 21st, 2006
I always thought that ignorant sh*theads should shut up about things they don't understand.
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
the point of art is to be gay
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
nietzche says art is man's only salvation
September 21st, 2006
"modern art is about collaboration, not original truths." -calvin and hobbes
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
We're artists now.
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
In before mofo upvotes...nevermind.
September 21st, 2006
1st after legendary sexymofo post.
September 21st, 2006
I fail.
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
"Sexymofo will upvote this." YOU CALLED IT!
September 21st, 2006
sexymofo will upvo--- F*CK! You still get five stars from me, though. :D
September 21st, 2006
September 21st, 2006
Modern art sucks. In 50 years this will be good but right now it's terrible. When will people learn?
September 21st, 2006
forgot the apostrophe... sorry :(
September 21st, 2006
pretty neat and quite artsy.
September 21st, 2006
... Now?
September 21st, 2006
song choice couldve been better :\
September 21st, 2006
love it
September 21st, 2006
Holy Crap where did you get those Fonts? I want those FONTS!
September 21st, 2006
a forced fad I didn't know about... I like it
September 21st, 2006
for the fix
September 21st, 2006
how do people get this good at photoshop? its amazing
September 22nd, 2006
Fived because it deserves to be over 4.00
September 22nd, 2006
wtf you trying to say willis?
September 22nd, 2006
also now....? well yeah ok i know but still when you think about it sometimes the cat does get the early bird...
September 22nd, 2006
Congratulations on trying to turn YTMND into a pretentious pile of wank.
September 22nd, 2006
see previous comment!
September 22nd, 2006
sh*t. sh*t moving around for no reason and you can see the cum on his hand moving around
September 22nd, 2006
I like it... for some strange reason, I really like it...
September 22nd, 2006
only art site i will ever upvote. feel all fuzzy inside.
September 22nd, 2006
sorry to be a grammar nazi, but you forgot the apostrophe as well as poland. unless there is a valid reason for missing that, my vote remains a 1 ; _ ;
September 22nd, 2006
Art Man Now Dog?
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
I was calling this stuff art in 04. I got mocked for it. Let all records show that inkdrinker is at least two years ahead of the curve.
September 22nd, 2006
I said that the site was art in my comments in the VFD for the second iteration of the YTMND wikipedia article back in the day, saying it shouldn't be deleted. WAPO copied me damnit!
September 22nd, 2006
If you keep jerking your psychic c*ck you're going to go blind, inkdrinker.
September 22nd, 2006
is that a picture of a black man skeeting on a keyboard? no, no it isn't. therefore i dont approve this message
September 22nd, 2006
fruity Mc Gay-gay
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
Nice. :)
September 22nd, 2006
Yeah, that was an ignorant comment. Sorry, I was in a pissed off mood.
September 22nd, 2006
Wafflex pwns for getting pwned! lolzered!! that comments on this site make me want to piss puke onto my ass's dick!
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
add fart noise for a 5
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
"were-artists"? As in, we are only artists on a full moon?
September 22nd, 2006
nice job, you sure tightend up the graphics
September 22nd, 2006
such clever naming
September 22nd, 2006
I like.
September 22nd, 2006
No your just a dick with a big ego who thinks being emo gives him/her the ability to express their feelings creatively when all you're really doing is whining through pictures.
September 22nd, 2006
Not Even Doom Music would make this funny.
September 22nd, 2006
So tell us about when you took this photo of Connery... how was that?
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
Pretty cool actually. Not funny or whatever... but nice.
September 22nd, 2006
loving this fad
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
Dude. Of Course sexymofo will upvote this. It's one of those "It's artsy you'll never understand!" things, but I think he doesn't realize its making fun of those people. And by people, I mean f*gs.
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
we're artists now
September 22nd, 2006
Vey nice.
September 22nd, 2006
wait, i missed something. why sexymofo upvote?
September 22nd, 2006
No, we're not.
September 22nd, 2006
Forget the negative comments, bro. This is very well done. Nice effects and presentation. This should be held high in the lists of ytmnd's for having a cause. also (repeat what inkdrinker said)
September 22nd, 2006
don'tcha love how a ytmnd I took 3 seconds to make got a higher rating than this one?
September 22nd, 2006
wait... ARTMND. That's either "Art Man now Dog" or "Ar man now dog". I'm hopeing for that latter because pirates. Inconclusion, you spelled We're wrong, the abbreviation sucks. Gtfo.
September 22nd, 2006
needs an apostrophe
September 22nd, 2006
I only like it if it's ironic.
September 22nd, 2006
Hey, look, a bunch of brushes and fonts off deviant art. I like art but this is just photoshop crap.
September 22nd, 2006
Were artists... you know, we used to be.
September 22nd, 2006
some of the white spots looked like cumshots. Oh snap,that rhymed.rhymin dirty, stayin in tune with duh time.also beat,my feet.THEY STINK.unlike,this why tee em en dee,which is the B!
September 22nd, 2006
5 for telepopmusic what happened to them?
September 22nd, 2006
September 22nd, 2006
No, we're not. Modern art is sh*t, abstraction with minor imagination, with simple substance being "art". Old art meant something. This sh*t doesn't; when a good three quarters of the contributors on site are simple people with simple minds, who think Google Images + YTMND = fame. Please, go to youtube, where you can be with retards like yourself. -ZJFTW
September 22nd, 2006
hehe its just like ROY4L
October 29th, 2006
I don't think that art should consist of sepia colors, black splatters, lots of dark shadows, and grungey text.
November 5th, 2006
Wait a second, this page isn't hanging in a museum, so don't get so critical as to whether or not this is really "art." It's a thoughtfully created ytmnd page commenting on an upcoming fad where people are posting art on this website. Connery looking as if he's in deep concentration next to the keyboard is a funny visual representation that shows how silly it would be to turn ytmnd into a place of artistic expression.
November 5th, 2006
The fact that he has splattered paint over a sepia looking image isn't meant to be artistic in and of itself, but those are used as cliche visual elements that can be understood as "artistic," which supports his overall idea behind the making of this page.
November 21st, 2006
February 19th, 2007