In Soviet Russia, YTMND makes User! (NOW WITH RUSSIAN MUSIC!)
Just a random idea that I thought made sense! If you have any problems with how long each slide stays up, just ask, and I'll adjust it. (NOW WITH RUSSIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM!)


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December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
good work sir. have a cookie
December 23rd, 2006
lol@witty commenter. that slide needs to stay up longer. funyn to categorize ytmnders
December 23rd, 2006
In Soviet Russia, YTMND thinks YOU are cool! Wait, no maybe it does already... 5'd anyways.
December 23rd, 2006
5 for DM Ashura. And concept.
December 23rd, 2006
I lol'd. But should've used a more recent ytmnd, but oh well.
December 23rd, 2006
this site will be praised
December 23rd, 2006
the song is win
December 23rd, 2006
sexymofo is so 6 months ago
December 23rd, 2006
Cat Burner
December 23rd, 2006
Thanks for all the support, you noticed how I even flipped around some of the subtle things on the top section too? (like "users | sites" instead of "sites | users", and "create a user" instead of "create a site")
December 23rd, 2006
-1 for misspelling "vicious"
December 23rd, 2006
ic what u did there
December 23rd, 2006
Batman: ualuealuealeuale up on the top of the screen was a nice touch.
December 23rd, 2006
Should be a bit slower, but dodgeit keeps it at a 5.
December 23rd, 2006
oipaddy: "create sites? no" could be considered lurking in a way
December 23rd, 2006
needs more soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soviet a
December 23rd, 2006
I was thinking that, or something else, or Moskau, but I decided to go with "something else", okay?
December 23rd, 2006
Please... russian music.
December 23rd, 2006
luck17: I just thought this music worked better, all the good Russian songs are narvish here!
December 23rd, 2006
russian music could make it better. o well. 5'd
December 23rd, 2006
know any good russian techno songs that haven't been used here? (NOT MOSKAU 99)
December 23rd, 2006
Russian music. Russiaaaaaaan. Or just use the Borat Khazikstan song.
December 23rd, 2006
i lol'd because there is no option for 'being original.'
December 23rd, 2006
love the username
December 23rd, 2006
I found a remix of the Russian National Anthem, would that be good enough?
December 23rd, 2006
Haha, that's awesome.
December 23rd, 2006
Okay, it's got a remix of the Russian national anthem now, happy now everyone?
December 23rd, 2006
Hey, why didn't the stupid sources update? It's actually from , but the site editor wouldn't update my sources when I recited them for some reason
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
LoL at "Viscous downvoter". Yes, Sexymofo is thick, pours slowly, and is somewhat sticky, but did you mean "vicious"?
December 23rd, 2006
indeed, that was thoroughly backwards.
December 23rd, 2006
genius. bravo..!!
December 23rd, 2006
haha! so true
December 23rd, 2006
Hasn't he stopped?
December 23rd, 2006
Very good work
December 23rd, 2006
Viscous Downvoter?
December 23rd, 2006
p.s. I actually registered - just for fun (and for obligatoriness)
December 23rd, 2006
you win
December 23rd, 2006
you fail, please try again ^_^
December 23rd, 2006
Nice work
December 23rd, 2006
5'd lol
December 23rd, 2006
sexymofo is thick and pours slowly
December 23rd, 2006
I like my downvoters viscous and gooey as well.
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
Ehh. Change it from a midi remix and you'll get a five.
December 23rd, 2006
Okay, I fixed the "Viscous downvoter" goof-up, stupidest mess-up I've ever made!
December 23rd, 2006
It brings me great joy to anounce that Sexymofo is legally dead.
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
mk ultra experiment gone awry
December 23rd, 2006
parrrrrrtiiiaa leeeeeenina! siiiilaaaa naroooodnaya!
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
Smarts ftw.
December 23rd, 2006
so that how they make a new account now? =P XD
December 23rd, 2006
He is DEAD. Somebody broke into his house and downvoted him permanently.
October 15th, 2007
you can all thank me later...
December 23rd, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
In Soviet Russia, YTMND upvotes YOU!!
December 23rd, 2006
Teh wins.
December 24th, 2006
So, the secret of Sexymofo has been revealed: Batman made him!
January 2nd, 2007
lol. I love how you have the user name at the top being batman ualealeale.
January 7th, 2007
Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An Upvote.
January 10th, 2007
Best Soviet Russia page yet
March 19th, 2007
Hey, you actually made something not sh*tty.
July 5th, 2007
Good idea or not, the sound in this YTMND is great and original. 5 for Communism
July 27th, 2007
I like this.
December 3rd, 2007
June 28th, 2010
this is shit site, it's made of poo