new character Braxton Contest
Created on: June 14th, 2009
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My highest effort memorial to my best online friend fuck that my best friend in real life mostly,


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(4.16) 314 49 135

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June 14th, 2009
the gif is crap
June 14th, 2009
you ain't got no strings on this .gif
June 14th, 2009
June 14th, 2009
sadly ytmnd has become like family guy. at first they both where filled with awesome sexual and random act violent jokes but now it has all turned to NAME DROPPING. just pick someone random, anyone, that i have absolutly no idea of who the f*ck they are and make a ytmnd about them that turns to top rated or top viewed. saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
June 14th, 2009
i disagree. luckily for us, we have you, making easy jokes from popular gifs.
June 14th, 2009
YTMND has more creativity in it, even in 2009, than Family Guy ever did.
June 14th, 2009
all gif is crap
i lost hope and released the mp3 about a month ago. too bad no one reads my blog. LOL
its ok keatun@ i read your blog and i knew it cam out@!! donna worry, im making anew site now ok?
June 15th, 2009
R.I.P. Keaton Keaton, 9-99... music jokes on the internet was his game.
June 15th, 2009
i duz strings.
June 15th, 2009
the gif is gold
June 15th, 2009
the best part was when pinocchio said he had no strings
June 15th, 2009
June 15th, 2009
change'd to irritate f*gs
June 15th, 2009
RIP KEATON 9-9-09, just wait.
June 14th, 2009
June 14th, 2009
5for tits
June 14th, 2009
Actually, I like it!
June 14th, 2009
thanks, actually!!
June 14th, 2009
Nice track.
June 14th, 2009
now make a ptkfgs version with strings and a good gif
June 14th, 2009
Good to know.
June 14th, 2009
June 14th, 2009
KEY 10 KEY 10 9 9 9
June 14th, 2009
It's gotta be true. You just can't make sh*t like that up.
June 14th, 2009
5'd for the audio and honesty.
June 14th, 2009
well done sirs
June 14th, 2009
surprisingly this is the 5th disney induced acid trip i've ever had!
June 14th, 2009
oh and howd you get that robot sounding voice? thats tight
June 14th, 2009
he used the robot voice setting on some program or some sh*t. i acutally asked him i thought i was a talk box.
me screaming and then vocoding it. vocode-only version:
June 14th, 2009
I've been trying to figure out how to vocoder. Don't you have to record your sound through tissue paper and re-record it through your speakers with a microphone?
June 15th, 2009
No no, after the tissue part you put the recording on your phone, set it as your ringtone. Then place your phone on a wooden table and call it using a different phone. Then use some sort of headset to call your friend through skype, and put the headset microphone next to your phone which is playing your song (make sure skype's connection quality setting is set to ULTRA-LOW. This is important). Have your friend on skype play the recording out of his speakers, and record the song with a microphone which..
June 15th, 2009
...has a plastic cup placed over it (this increases the robotronic effect). After the music is recorded on your friend's PC or Macintosh, tell him to compress the file 2, maybe 3 dozen times. After that, instruct him to put your music file on a floppy disk and mail it to you (make sure the floppy disk is packed in a box full of packing peanuts and magnets for better protection). Here is an example of a site which used this process:
i'm surprised that that domain was still available
June 14th, 2009
I actually like the gif more than the sound... does that make me a bad person?
June 14th, 2009
this song is awesome
June 14th, 2009
Honestly, the gif's not that bad.
this gif is a great example of mediocre technical skill putting too much time into something thats just ugly. its only redeeming quality is that the gif has text that says it sucks, which it does. but thats not really redeeming...
June 14th, 2009
June 14th, 2009
June 14th, 2009
June 14th, 2009
[ comment is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
I don't know anybody named KATON999
June 14th, 2009
This song is great. i liked the Jungle Book reeeeemix better, but this is still top notch.
kotan99 will be displeased.
June 14th, 2009
Any takers???? My skillz are far from l33t...anyone wanna "collab" w/ me? Let's pinch a loaf on this site that won't be soon forgotten. PM me [Oh Oh, please be tkx7 (if he's still alive)] ps. pussy whiskers.
June 15th, 2009
UPDATE: I give a sh*t about bigfoot!
June 15th, 2009
UPDATE: tkx7 has responded to my PM "I would be honored to Collab with you"...words he'll soon the wait, Max?
June 15th, 2009
I can't pronounce bacaruda
June 14th, 2009
team + work = teamwork
June 16th, 2009
my niece is watching wonder pets right now, and they sang "what's gonna work? TEEEEEEMwork" right when i read this. nice addition to the acid trip
June 15th, 2009
The gif and sound are fine to me.
June 15th, 2009
June 15th, 2009
This was acceptable in the 80s
June 15th, 2009
if you watch the GIF long enough... you see Moon man setting a N!GGER on fire. THANKS LICKIT!
June 15th, 2009
all you f*gs have aids and suck each other off and are proud of that.
June 15th, 2009
June 15th, 2009
Who likes Hairy Vaginas?
June 15th, 2009
i do.
June 16th, 2009
they are back 'In.' i only know this because some hipster girl flossed my teeth the other night without apology.
June 15th, 2009
1'd for f*got f*got 999
June 15th, 2009
lol, collabs
June 15th, 2009
3'd till i hear sound
June 16th, 2009
E'd i still 3ar sound!
June 15th, 2009
June 16th, 2009
aww I liked the old gif
then go jack off to my test site you "f*ggot"
June 16th, 2009
F*ck a whiny self-doubting little guy, you sure don't take criticism well.
June 16th, 2009
For such a whiny self-doubting little guy, you sure don't take criticism well. Is what I meant to say.
June 16th, 2009
actually i take it great. f*ck a whiny little guy whos very quick to make nasty insults, "f*ggot" :)
June 16th, 2009
lol, "whiny self-doubting litle guy." im trying to figure out what made you choose those exact words. stop thinking about your dead father and VOTE %.
June 16th, 2009
in that case, 5 just kidding 1
June 16th, 2009
did you know we know each other in real life?
June 16th, 2009
wow niku. i see youre a revenge downvoter. i guess ill cease taking the time to vote honestly on your sites.. yikes!
June 16th, 2009
because the original gif (which got a 5 from me unlike this one which got a 2 because it's dumb, and then it got a 1 because you called me a f*ggot and what I may or may not do with other mens' penises is of no concern of yours thank you very much) had all this text about how "i suck at making gifs and this gif is no good and i'm not worthy", and then you put that first comment saying how your gif sucks, and other than your gif all that there is to this site is the (awesome) audio, which is not yours, and t
June 16th, 2009
actually i put "f*ggot" in quotations because i thought it was funny and i honestly thought that would signify light humor. its funny that you changed your vote because you got mad :) no worries munkie :) :)
June 16th, 2009
am not. you told me to go jerk off to your test site so i clicked your name and looked at your top voted sites and 3 of them sucked, and the other is a 5. so nyeah.
June 16th, 2009
i hate that e fame mastrubbtion site you should 1 it off my top rated.
June 16th, 2009
okay well you argued yourself back up to a 3 but that's my final offer
June 16th, 2009
ok, mr. 4 and not 3.
June 16th, 2009
do we really know each other in real life or was that more light humor
June 16th, 2009
more light humor but also i used to be friends with a guy named Niko, so i took the chance that youre him because 'niku' sounds like of like "niqua" like a wordplay on n*gg* and hes a racist so maybe youre him??
June 16th, 2009
June 16th, 2009
this, like steak, may be hard to digest. but blood is a flavoring.
June 16th, 2009
you changed it but i stand by my 5
June 16th, 2009
about to bust
June 16th, 2009
Borderline fave.
June 16th, 2009
[ comment is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
oh thats nice.
June 16th, 2009
Where's the propane? You can't properly tell someone to go F'k themselves without propane!
June 16th, 2009
u&c site change site winenr**
June 16th, 2009
June 16th, 2009
June 16th, 2009
June 16th, 2009
you jerk
June 16th, 2009
ps i hate u =)
June 16th, 2009
ok =)
June 16th, 2009
f*ck you right back you stupid f*ck
June 16th, 2009
F U C K ~ Y O U
June 17th, 2009
hahah sacrificing your high rated site like that. youre my fav user :D
June 16th, 2009
F*CK YOU! Needs more propane. Keatonkeaton999 once again this audio has made it to my iPod, rather than just to my Internets.
June 16th, 2009
I appreciate how this gif don't repeat ant the solid message behind it.
you know my steez (-gang star rapper)
June 17th, 2009
thats not very nice :(
June 17th, 2009
5'd for improved content.
June 17th, 2009
Yeah, f*ck all of us!
June 17th, 2009
this sound is so #$%ing creepy....
June 17th, 2009
June 18th, 2009
f*ck every one of me?
June 18th, 2009
June 19th, 2009
It's sites like this that make me proud I ever sh*tted that gif out in the first place.
June 19th, 2009
lol 5
June 21st, 2009
poop, that is all.
June 21st, 2009
Holy sh*t this is awesome. F*CK EVERY ONE.
June 21st, 2009
Sure, the gif changed, but did you really add Kompressor to the mix?
June 21st, 2009
me too?
June 22nd, 2009
Damn, I'm enjoying the gif a lot
June 22nd, 2009
i wanted to see how long i could put off 5ing and faving...can't do it any longer
T H A N X : )
June 22nd, 2009
February 21st, 2011
everybody likes keaton songs so i added it to the gif
February 22nd, 2011
This is all so very confusing.
February 22nd, 2011
thats Braxton on the right, i am on the left and it was new years in salem, FL where we were on a boat fucking shit up in real life
February 23rd, 2011
No way
February 23rd, 2011
yes way, do you like my hair?