I've never been into the punk rock scene. However, I fell in love with this song when I heard it in the 1990s on a local radio station, and bought it on iTunes a few years back. [i]California Uber Alles[/i], released in 1979, was the Dead Kennedys' way of taking then-California Governor (from 1975 - 1983) Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown to task for his "fascist" policies and pontificating on fears about the type of police state he might usher in if elected President of the United States (not that our federal government needs his help). This song is suddenly extremely relevant again as Brown was elected to his third term last year. Enjoy, and please buy it on iTunes or Amazon.com!
By the way, Jerry Brown [b]is[/b] a nutcase, but he's at least an entertaining one! ;)
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