Hurricane - the latest game for your Nintendo DS
Created on: September 21st, 2005
Hurricane - the latest game for your Nintendo DS
its all fun and games until more people die. (edited thanks to a category 5 upgrade)


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September 21st, 2005
Jesus made hurricanes so we can laugh.
September 21st, 2005
Wow, not funny in the least.
September 21st, 2005
lmao so funny!
September 21st, 2005
WTF guys, Hurricanes raped and killed my mother. 5'ED!
September 21st, 2005
OMG. My mom died in a hurricane. FIVED
September 21st, 2005
Oh boy, here come the idiots who think it's funny when people die.
September 21st, 2005
oh stfu, you voted a 5 for a page making fun of the tsunami.
September 21st, 2005
But it's so different when they're american...Gosh. Don't you know anything?
September 22nd, 2005
nice, should be top 10
September 22nd, 2005
DS = XD!@
September 22nd, 2005
boy,oh boy
September 22nd, 2005
September 22nd, 2005
I did not know the DS had 16-bit sound
September 22nd, 2005
gee, that means a lot coming from a serial downvoter who hasn't even made a site over 2 stars himself.
September 22nd, 2005
Amenhotep, uh.... yeah. you also gave a 5 to Zangief vs. Louisiana. So don't play high and mighty.
September 22nd, 2005
the DS would have absolutely no problem playing the original song.
September 22nd, 2005
also.. generally the bottom screen has the boring useless crap on it.. and the top screen is the one that looks fun.
September 22nd, 2005
I have come to the rescue, citizen! Fear not, as your plea for help has not fallen on deaf ears! I have come, and I bring THE MIGHTY FIVE to save you! All is well! AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
September 22nd, 2005
how did I 2star my own page?
September 22nd, 2005
I hacked your computer.
September 23rd, 2005
sure you did.
September 23rd, 2005
September 24th, 2005
September 24th, 2005
September 28th, 2005
lets hear it for people directly ripping this site off, and not as a parody -
September 29th, 2005
What the hell happened to my one-star rating?
September 29th, 2005
Ahhh, that's better. :)
October 1st, 2005
October 9th, 2005
CAT 5: You are on the way to destruction.
October 13th, 2005
November 29th, 2005
I would so buy this, and I live in Florida!
December 7th, 2005
Good photoshopping, great ideas, but are you making fun of the DS with the sound? lol its ok just -1 for that just because I
March 10th, 2006
it's not funny when americans die. make the hurricane going for europe or jamacia or africa or mexico or... the place where jews come from... and i'll laugh. and 5 it...... (just kidding. 5.)
April 7th, 2006
Nice status bars.
July 3rd, 2006
this should be rated higher. though I will admit I am the first one to burst into laughter when a site has a random NEDM pop out at me, creativity should be given greater respect. 5'd
August 30th, 2006
September 10th, 2006
Why am I expecting an air-show?
September 10th, 2006
haha best midi ever.
November 14th, 2006
After doing extensive research, I've concluded that this game does not actually exist. I have not been fooled. Nice try, moron.
December 18th, 2006