Created on: January 19th, 2008

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January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
what the flying f*ck is going on here!?!?!
January 19th, 2008
Nutnics my friend, you are a strange duck.
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
if there was ever a need for real time weapon change
January 19th, 2008
this is actually one of the better sites in ytmnd history
January 20th, 2008
1'd for being video game related
January 20th, 2008
i hope you plan on making a sequel
January 22nd, 2008
We frolic through the industrial park, just my crab and me. And soon we'll both glow in the dark, just you wait and see.
January 24th, 2008
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sex with brains
March 6th, 2008
Real battles from ancient Japan
January 19th, 2008
One of these days, you idiots are going to laugh yourselves to death!!
January 19th, 2008
they had to resuscitate me this morning from a mild LOL, i don't even want to think about full out ROFLing
January 25th, 2008
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January 19th, 2008
Giant Crab '08
January 19th, 2008
no! i hate hillary!
January 19th, 2008
January 20th, 2008
How HILLARYous!!! LOL!
January 21st, 2008
It's time to take some ashun.
January 19th, 2008
So here's this giant enemy crab
January 19th, 2008
Which is based upon japanese history.
January 19th, 2008
I wonder what his political platform was.
January 19th, 2008
abolish butter, total plankton reformation.
January 19th, 2008
don't forget pave a parking lot over the chesapeake bay
January 22nd, 2008
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As long as he's not the Green Party nominee he's got my vote.
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
Craaaaaaaaab people... Craaaaaaaaab people...
January 19th, 2008
Taste like crab, talk like people
January 19th, 2008
Log in fav
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
I talked... JUST... LIKE... THIS!
January 19th, 2008
January 20th, 2008
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Someone needs to make this into a ytmnd complete with Scatman John.
January 21st, 2008
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Hahahaha thats what Jack Bauer says before he kills Nina sorta.
January 24th, 2008
LOL knife eyes attack.
January 25th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
crab cakez
January 19th, 2008
mmm delicious
January 21st, 2008
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Sweet juicy weak points.
January 19th, 2008
I luv everything about this site esp. the music.
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
You just f*cked with the wrong playstation business.
January 19th, 2008
My father gave me that RIIIiiiIIIDGE RAAAACER you mother f*cker.
January 19th, 2008
I Paid My five hundred and nighty-nine US Dollars.
January 19th, 2008
This may be the best Giant Enemy Crab site I've ever seen. Of course, the fantastic music didn't hurt.
January 19th, 2008
wow, someone has engaged in MASSIVE comment upvoting.
January 21st, 2008
January 19th, 2008
poor crab it wasn't his fault that he couldn't fix Bush's mistake
January 22nd, 2008
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Exactly the childish attitude that a democrat will take if they win in 08. OMG LOLXORS, IT'S NOT MY FAULT, NO MATTER WHAT I DO IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT THAT CAME BEFORE ME AND I HAVE A BUNCH OF ANEQDOTAL EVIDENCE DISPENSING BRAINWASHED COLLEGE STUDENTS TO BACK ME UP!!!! F*cking take responsibility you little piss ants.
January 25th, 2008
January 25th, 2008
Oh yeah. Just like the Clinton Recession, right? EVERYONE knows THAT'S where the money went! I mean, Bush wouldn't have given huuuuge tax cuts to his already filthy rich friends - much less HIMSELF! perish the thought! - and completely ruined a perfectly fine economy. Bush wouldn't have LIED to us, would he?
January 26th, 2008
LOL... texass oil man for president, and we have been paying over $3 average for a gallon of gas over the past few years thanks to him... we are f*cking stupid to think he cares about our economy. why did he send me to Iraq again? I sure as hell dont know.
January 19th, 2008
...shave...and a hair...cut...
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
Check on that giant enemy crab based on Japanese history.
January 19th, 2008
He crushed Manchuria
January 19th, 2008
Then he's going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico...
January 19th, 2008
Vote Giant Enemy Crab/Riiiiiiiiiiiidee racerrrrrrrrrrrrr '08!
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
Five hundred and ninety nine electoral votes.
January 22nd, 2008
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epic comment
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
shaun of the dead...i see what you did there
January 19th, 2008
I have no idea why I like this so much, but I do.
January 19th, 2008
gfx don't get any tighter
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
giant crab mislead the people!?!?!?!
January 19th, 2008
{V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^}_{V} {V}_{^w^
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
January 25th, 2008
January 26th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
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Idiotic fad...idiotic site. Get some decent sh*t to work with.
January 19th, 2008
Lol, positive comment c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker!
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
I still want to know who wins. The crab or the people!
January 27th, 2008
Stay tuned for part II then. O_O
January 19th, 2008
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nice editing f*ggot
January 19th, 2008
wow, uh.. that's faved
January 19th, 2008
He wasn't our enemy after all!
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
Judge Doom and his relentless army of zombies
The carbs eyes darting back and forth made this one of my all time faves. I tip my fancy top hat to you sir.
January 19th, 2008
please tell me wtf just happened
January 19th, 2008
jesus christ of arimatheya
January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
I dun forgot to fav.
January 19th, 2008
this is what greatness must look like
January 19th, 2008
the hell
January 19th, 2008
599 Us dollars.
January 19th, 2008
So the Judge rigged the election to throw the country into chaos and then plans anarchy by killing the crab??
January 19th, 2008
I pinch!
January 19th, 2008
January 20th, 2008
I made that same mistake on a college term paper. I kicked myself all night for the points that were knocked off it.
January 19th, 2008
GIANT ENEMY CRAB has joined the party!
January 19th, 2008
Giants crab's always seem to win.
January 19th, 2008
crab candidates and dogs lurking in the shadow. dog for pres.
January 20th, 2008
thats actually a moose..so, moose for pres?
January 19th, 2008
What the f*ck....
January 19th, 2008
I really, truely enjoyed this.
January 19th, 2008
Hurting people makes me happy.
January 19th, 2008
That man still scares the sh*t out of me, but I am not afraid of a giant crab since I can easily attack it's weakpoint for massive damage like in VP2.
January 19th, 2008
That's the crab that lives in Oprah's bush.
January 19th, 2008
zoidberg zoidberg zoid zoid zoid zoid zoidberg
January 20th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
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January 19th, 2008
January 19th, 2008
it wasn't a rock....
January 21st, 2008
it was a Riiiiidge, Racerrrrr!
January 22nd, 2008
i hate mondays
January 19th, 2008
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Cute. The whole Massive Crab thing is a bit outdated though.
January 19th, 2008
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wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in teh world!!!wow best site in te
January 19th, 2008
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January 19th, 2008
make ytmnds more frequently
January 19th, 2008
sounds like a clockwork orange
January 19th, 2008
I think Giant Enemy Crab/Obama would be a strong ticket.
January 19th, 2008
the people were
January 20th, 2008
ytmnd wins
January 20th, 2008
Nutnics..Would there be any chance of us having sexual relations?
January 20th, 2008
Massive Damage attack! 599 MP cost
January 20th, 2008
This is so awesome. Is there any way that we can make this in to a movie?
January 20th, 2008
f*cking awesome
January 20th, 2008
high quality site
January 20th, 2008
I don't know why but I love this one
January 20th, 2008
i'll take a leg
January 20th, 2008
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i dont understand
January 20th, 2008
January 20th, 2008
wow, i keep watching it more and more
January 20th, 2008
this 5 is for the fallen
January 21st, 2008
ITS OVER 9000!
January 21st, 2008
Judge Doom=WIN
January 21st, 2008
January 21st, 2008
This is full of epic wins.
January 21st, 2008
Sorry about the crabs.
January 21st, 2008
I love Judge Doom so much, and I love mocking Giant Enemy Crabs. I'd 5 it if it had a satisfying conclusion.
January 21st, 2008
An den kleinen Tagen, aber des S�dens dies, aber jenes lamparas jene klein und des estupido, aber des nachos gro�en Bell gro�en und der Typen von f�r Sie und deads. Tote Mengen und.
January 22nd, 2008
8===@ .:'.*.,".:',. (5) ^.^ http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=A0Refrigerator i dont care...
January 22nd, 2008
Remember me, Eddie? When I killed your Brother? I talked just.. like... thIS..
January 22nd, 2008
January 22nd, 2008
lol wut
January 22nd, 2008
This is only a few years old. You can now get one for Three hundred ninety nine us dollars.
January 22nd, 2008
This ytmnd is delicious, just like crabs.
January 22nd, 2008
I assume this is from elections that actually took place in ancient America?
January 22nd, 2008
Quick, get the crab a singing sword
January 22nd, 2008
you're an insane person.
January 22nd, 2008
Craab.... Battlleee....... Argh... it broke my knife....!
January 23rd, 2008
January 23rd, 2008
January 23rd, 2008
Hey, am I too late to the party?
January 23rd, 2008
Why do I keep comign back to this, it makes little sense but I love it.
January 23rd, 2008
Attack it's weak point, for massive damage.
January 23rd, 2008
it's pretty awesome even if I can only barely follow it
January 24th, 2008
So Hilary has crabs?
January 24th, 2008
January 24th, 2008
I hate crabs. I also fear dem. I also love dems. It is a complicated emotion that I be havin' so how about we go with 4 stars and call it even.
January 24th, 2008
The more we go to Communism, the less Viagra I need.
January 24th, 2008
January 24th, 2008
Massive damage
January 24th, 2008
Wow. Just. Wow. {V}_{^w^}_{V}
January 25th, 2008
This reminds me of a keaton site but without ms paint.
January 25th, 2008
Half Volume
January 25th, 2008
Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful.
January 26th, 2008
A hail o mighty crab @_@ {V}_{^w^}_{V}
January 26th, 2008
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why does the head judge call the vote and then show the zombie people how to kill the giant enemy crab? this seems nonsensical, and nonsensical sh*t with a lot of editing is worthy of a downvote in my book. also, f*ck you.
January 26th, 2008
Theres been some good sites lately
January 26th, 2008
People don't seem to understand that they should be giving points for Mysterious Island, not playstation jokes
January 26th, 2008
Another nutnics masterpiece.
January 27th, 2008
........ double you tee eff ? .......
January 27th, 2008
based on Japanese history
January 27th, 2008
i dont get it worth sh*t maybe because I dont come to this site but 5 for my old ytmnd friend.
January 27th, 2008
January 29th, 2008
i miss you
January 30th, 2008
February 3rd, 2008
February 4th, 2008
Don't look at me. I voted for Jumbo Shrimp.
March 7th, 2008
THIS IS EPIC! I watch this and imagine living in a world destroyed by massive dammage and it is... im a zombie
March 14th, 2008
{V}_{^w^}_{V} for '08
March 17th, 2008
March 25th, 2008
Will there ever be a sequel so that we know how the plot is resolved? I see a cymbal and horses, this means something.
April 10th, 2008
Came back to fav this.
April 26th, 2008
golly u sure are bad at this ymndt game u gize