Cainoftheturks' recent comments:

I hate reading comments and seeing the "You sir when (random number) internets!" Its kinda old and annoying now o-o.
On on the site ?Cosby Victory
Its ok but after Dr Dre feat Cosby its kinda hard for me to like anything else. Its like having sex with a super-model and then going home to a horse.
Most of the gamer girls look kinda like gamer guys
On on the site ?Segregation
Song goes great
Good good
On on the site ?Peek A Boo Stephanie!
Good but wtf is up with the loop?
This was ok but not top 5 worthy.
I was gonna 3 it until I heard the song
On on the site ?Bowser Lives!!!!
I think animal anomolies.
Luther fad got old to me a while back. Sorry
-slow clap- Grats man and thanks for ending our suffering. I want crabcakes
On on the site ?TMNT MOSKAU MOSKAU
Moskau = Best fad
I am going insane...what is this song!?!?!?
As I said in AIM...LMAO
Wtf I saw this one already
lmfao great!
Lmao, been trying since third grade!
On on the site ?
Lmao, they should come out with the 1337 Bible.
On on the site ?Most Dangerous Words
Oh noeeeesss dangerwords!