Captain‑HumpYourFace's recent comments:

f*ck you.
f*ck YES!
I hate Pearl Jam but this was too funny.
This is pure f*cking gold.
Wow those really ARE all too long.
On on the site ?Tunic! Tunic! Tunic!
Well done.
On on the site ?Azumanga craft
f*ck, anime sucks and so do you.
On on the site ?Hot Japansese Girl
I'd say it's 3 worthy.
On on the site ?nice ass!!!
I'd plug her up.
Funny clip but you mean "trouser" you idiot.
Man this used to be such an awesome show! Thanks for bringing me back.
On on the site ?Linux is not cool
f*cking geek
February 23rd, 2006
You suck.
February 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?Spiderman is black
You f*cking fail at knowing what emo is. This was pretty damn funny.
On on the site ?Development Arrested
This show f*cking sucked.
On on the site ?Rectal Insertion?
This is perfection.
Well I fapped.
mrgrim is just mad that he didn't get to jerk off to a cartoon yet today.
On on the site ?WHAT WILL HE CHOOSE?
f*cking gorgeous... you get a 5
On on the site ?LOL ZOMBEI TITS
Return of the Living Dead is an awesome movie so I'm 5ing this out of respect for it. Trash isn't a zombie yet though so you didn't deliver the zombie tits you promised.
On on the site ?NINJA TITS
We really, really need to start bombing Japan again.
You f*gs don't know my scarlett.
It's funny how women are just things over there.
On on the site ?GO EMO RANGERS
It's funny how none of you can dance.