I'm Death-Incarnate and I created Seal Terrorism and plan to expand it into an actual website and possibly register a domain name for it. Sealterror.net sounds nice.
"D.I., the way you are acting, I see why Max banned your IP. your annoying." Max didn't. It's an automated program in the forum code. And in the past, a user of the forums became a moderator just by spamming '[user] for s-mod' for three days in every thread and making about three threads every hour. Following this precedent, I believe this plan will work nicely.
No warning about it either. It blocks someone once they have 3 accounts on one IP. I would have understood if there was a warning or something. So...death to the IP tracker.
"Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the
IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker
Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the
IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker
Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the
IP tracker Death to the IP tracker Death to the IP tracker" Quoted for truth.
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