Dr‑UPV0T3's recent comments:

March 30th, 2007
This one just deserved an upvote big time, it looks very nice ^^
March 19th, 2007
Amurcan Alcaholic As Mod, Now Thats Just Awesome. Also, UpV0T3'D
March 16th, 2007
LOL, OMG ONLINE BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Pokemon gameboy battle theme* evilregal uses Downvote! CRITICAL HIT!
March 16th, 2007
WTF? OMG HAX She's using GodMode, needs more death.
March 15th, 2007
On on the site ?300TMND: The Window
No Sync In FF :/
March 15th, 2007
February 27th, 2007
Sentimental UpV0T3
February 27th, 2007
On on the site ?Mr. Upvoter™
I can't find Miss Upvoter :[
February 26th, 2007
February 26th, 2007
UpV0T3 P1@N
February 26th, 2007
On on the site ?Battlefield: LazyTown
Already Seen Before, UpV0T3 Worthy!
February 23rd, 2007
On on the site ?Get ready...
Lolol, your the 307th site with this, still an UpV0T3 due to ''MY DOWNDAR IS PICKING UP SOME VERY STRONG DOWNVOTE ACTIVITY, TIME TO UpV0T3!''
February 23rd, 2007
L0L Mega Man Fapfans
February 23rd, 2007
''Thanks for drawing the boobs first and the head (disproportionately smaller and) last... it helps me to remember my place in the world.'' LOLOL, Jealousy Al3R7
February 23rd, 2007
On on the site ?get yo clap on
LOL secret Clap Clap Porn Show
February 23rd, 2007
Damai Spears
February 23rd, 2007
$3X Sl4V3
February 23rd, 2007
Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr
February 23rd, 2007
February 23rd, 2007
February 23rd, 2007
LOLOL Audio = good, Picture is bad, but Orleans is bad on whatever picture exists, Junkyard photo's are more beautifull.
February 23rd, 2007
ZOMG, LOLOL, Laught so hard the world just exploded, luckily Sister-UpV0T3 Sucked me and i managed to save teh world, lololololololololololololololololololol Dr-L337 Is dead in my basement, Dr-R0CkSo is floating in the pond and Dr-R337 is being raped by dinosaurz ROFL LAWLAWL!
February 23rd, 2007
Nothing Beats This, Not Even Sparta Music
February 23rd, 2007
On on the site ?B4TM4N L13KS 3M FR3SH
H3 $70L3 Y0uR UpV0T3! But Dr-UpV0T3 T@cKl3D T3h C*cKF@g @nT Br0UgH7 !t Bak
February 23rd, 2007
!m N0 !Di0T$K@
February 23rd, 2007
On on the site ?H1S P1ZZ4 L1V3S 0N...
My UpV0T3 L!v3$ 0N
February 23rd, 2007
D4nC3 P!zz4 GuY! ''D0WNV073D BY 4L75 '' ''UpV0T3'D BY Dr-UpV0T3''
February 23rd, 2007
On on the site ?Color ME YTMNDongs
Lol, UpV0T3 Worthy ^^
February 21st, 2007
Th!$ H@S B33N D0N3 S0 M@nY T!m3$,,,$oM3()ne UpV0T3/Bring A Slut/M!dV0T3 Th!s $i7e N0W"
February 21st, 2007
On on the site ?Bart Got Hoes
Dr Got UpV0T3's AND $lu7z.