Kloza's recent comments:

February 6th, 2006
On on the site ?lol terrorism
And no , I dont think any nation is undereducated because no matter how many you encountered(I blame some one-sided media stations). They only represent a portion of thier society/nation/country etc.
February 6th, 2006
On on the site ?lol terrorism
Thanks for the reply Vacaboi , The problem is most of us acted by emotion not their mind (even though it is kinda too offensive).
February 6th, 2006
On on the site ?lol terrorism
sorry about the triple post , one last thing , those Al Qaida and other terrorist s***heads know nothing of Islam if you want the truth check some history books. Thanks for reading this and have a nice day.
February 6th, 2006
On on the site ?lol terrorism
"dont believe anything you hear or see" never mind the rest ... just thinking , why is anything the glorifies the nazi's or questions the holocaust forbidden ? freespeech I guess
February 6th, 2006
On on the site ?lol terrorism
Just wanted to say a few things , 1.We hear alot of things about you guys. In the U.S. for example alot say you will be pwned just for being a muslim/arab. but actualy alot of people I know are there and they say its normal in other words dont believe a