MarkyX's recent comments:

August 20th, 2006
Any way to get the instrucmental version of this song? I don't like the vocals.
July 25th, 2006
By the way, two pairs of plane were scrambled. NORAD didn't stand down. A lso love how you just clip the headlines. One thing I learned from you guys is to never trust a cropped image. There is a reason why you cut the other parts out.
July 25th, 2006
May 22nd, 2006
On on the site ?Epic Anime fight!
FMA suxxor
April 26th, 2006
Love how you stole it from me and even took the LOTR music style.
March 3rd, 2006
On on the site ?Anime Skirt Spinnaz
I did not take it from there, and the animation speed of that one is much slower then this one.
January 11th, 2006
I don't need a 10 year old kid telling me what to do f*g.