Marshtomp8's recent comments:

August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?PH33R AMY ROSE!
Yeah, I wanted to put Amy Rose's theme tune but I changed it to this because of 5 requests to do so! I made the image myself and just had to share it with the world
August 25th, 2006
WHAT! THE! HELL? YOUVE MADE TAILS DOLL LOOK LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE!? This could be better if you put Them in a dark room got rid of the german pop music and put in some kinda kids song, made it go really slow and put wind effects in and change the title to: Why Hittler really died (remember it looked like suicide but Tails Doll often makes his murders LOOK like suicide...They called Hittler the ultimate evil, what more reson did Tails Doll need? Hittle was killed by Tails Doll!)
August 25th, 2006
Okay Title: True Picture: Stolen, I know I used it but at least I had the desency to edit it! music: Usefull for a video im doing about Tails Doll. YOINK!
August 25th, 2006
Wow, sweet avatar! And yes it is from sega, the song is from Sonic Gems Collection witch is the ONLY sonic game that says his name is Tails Doll, Not Puppet Tails...Think Tails Doll may have become head presedent of Sega !_!
August 25th, 2006
Music: Not bad could do with being darker but it gets across the message, what TD says: YES! FINNALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS THAT HE'S BEEN IMPRISONED THERE AND NEEDS SOULS AS POWERFULL AS HIM TO TAKE HIS PLACE (Or quantaty equal to his power) Picture: You drew this yourself, its poor and, is that a Knife? Dear god! What the hell? HE HAS NO FINGERS!
August 25th, 2006
Just how do you plan to do that? You think other havent faught? They have and held it for long enough untill it was forced to go back into the computer! but it NEVER falls for the same trick twice! almost every trick has been writen, Think of something fast or become part of a new wave destened to help free our little friend here...
August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?The Tails Doll
THIS IS SAD! PATHETICALY SAD! Theres too many it's a nooby coment and the music is jst the icing on the cake, pure chesse! Chesse cake anyone?!
August 25th, 2006
Huh, Never seen the grudge the music is abit odd at the beginging, If you ask me it so needs to be more like the Acid remix or atleast slowed down and put in some wind effects that just my veiw over the whole song and I dont see it moving.
August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?Tails doll is evil
this is just someone trying to hitch a ride on the Tails Doll express, Un impressed
August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?The Tails doll
woahohoho! awesome awesome, I'd love to meet that artist!