Phonebooth's votes:

Phonebooth has made 869 total votes, with an average rating of 4.2.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Mega64 ZELDA SUX!!1 (1.00) (2.42) 
?NSMB - Subliminal Message (5.00) (4.11) 
?LoZ: Twilight Princess ENDING leaked!!! (5.00) (4.10) 
?MEGA64 - DigDug Rapes Your Car (4.00) (3.68) 
?POKEMON cosby jazz version (3.00) (3.67) 
?Medieval Pokemon Battle (5.00) (3.82) 
?Zelda: The Bubb Rubb of Time (5.00) (4.71) 
?Camera, also cocks (4.00) (3.00) 
?Koji Kondo is hiding behind a harp :D (1.00) (1.86) 
?Whose Breakdance is it Anyway? (4.00) (4.07) 
?Attack of the Dean Fighters (5.00) (4.72) 
?Razor Gator, Panama City 03/09/07 (1.00) (3.86) 
?Breakup Letter, Dramatic reading (5.00) (4.44) 
?Discovery Channel finds Jesus' Tomb (5.00) (4.00) 
?open up and say AAAAAHHH (3.00) (4.30) 
?¡Fajitas Calientes! (5.00) (4.08) 
?I am so high, I can hear... (2.00) (4.43) 
?Crime Soars to New Heights (1.00) (4.06) 
?Dexter hates YTMND (5.00) (3.83) 
?BAAAAAng BAAAAAng On The Door BAAA... (5.00) (3.48) 
?KOENTMND: Matlab Dance! (1.00) (3.82) 
?dont click this sucks (5.00) (2.73) 
?Red Thingy Movin' Toward the Green Thingy (5.00) (3.97) 
?beaker is rocking out (5.00) (3.97) 
?Somebody's Watchin' Ash (5.00) (3.89) 
?Metal Gear Sherman (1.00) (3.81) 
?Amira from Lost is inspired by NEDM (4.00) (3.78) 
?Got any porno? (5.00) (3.99) 
?HERBERT, NO!!! (5.00) (4.10) 
?Stubborn Radio Doesn't Change Station Rec... (4.00) (3.75)