PixilatedTrickster's recent comments:

But at least you get to simmon a 5/5 fire spirit if you have Kairy in paly until he forgots Poelnd and beraks your EgosRefratcion.
Socialist whales are a doble ege sowrd. On one hand you have 9 manta in a row on the other hand you have constent power crep more like power crape making you buy the next set every year
46/64 Infinity Rasputinion (get it because Rasputin was killed an infinite amount of ways)
48/64 Move Scarabitch get out the Ground... very weak attempt due to every other fad using the word bitch being already done by DarthWang
On on the site ?:(
Gamek... i mean PixilatedTrickster would... i mean would've hit it
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SBUu1kBcksQ reserving rating until i'm 100% this isn't a straight rip
Heather L C(h)a(n)dwallader
The idea of diving on a horse seems so "Epic Maneuver"-esque
The audio was spliced in a youtube meme a while back
LCad last site 11 years ago... Runaway Big Damn Truck never comin back. Wrong Riesen on a "30z" way track. Seems like i should be gettin to H-Town. Right now i'm neither "za" nor P1ZZ4
Oh so that's where you were and why you searched a crapton of frusc
Well actually i forgot i already 5'd this
1 for wasted domain
5 for the concept but i'm sure the FPA had to have done something similar 18 years ago
Purged in the first month of ytmnd, that's crazy to even think about
In all seriousness, that ourwhitehouse site was some of your peak work when i was hardcore into this site. I would consider sponsoring that if it wasn't throwing money into the void
I heard that comment as i read it and i love the non-sequitorial music sections and now i want to make this. Synesthesia is one hell of a drug
Not saying that this site isn't a better use for the domain but i'm just surprised this domain went 20 years
I seriously thought expelled would have been domain grabbed by that Harry Potter 1 quote "i'm going to bed before either of you come up with another brilliant idea to get us all killed or worse expelled"
The word "024er" makes me feel so old... back in my day we only had one digit to the right of the zero
Baroncardi and Colasers bloopit bloopit
A classic site in 2024
On on the site ?You touch my....
5 for randomtmnd sighting
Opening doors to certain auditory assault... yep that's about the summer of 08 for me in a nutshell
Something went fucky with my ability to view ytmnsfw sites. Leaving this so i can 5 later
Expected the Khan yell but i honestly forgot the asian neighbor was also named Khan.
This whole time he was compensating for something
On on the site ?Giant Eminem Crab
Every blatantly bad element, the zooming eminem head, the make a gif watermark, the horrible puns sync up to make thia perfect
On on the site ?40/64: Duke Nukembat
This site sounds like it took (Duke Nukem) Forever to remix. Also this beats Duff McWhalers because (balls of) Steel beats ice (hockey)