SchtolteheimReinbach‑IV's recent comments:

On on the site ?Kobayashi Maru
There's just one PROBLEM, she's a human with NO HANDS!
I cannot believe this Deinonychosauria-with-feathers story.
I wonder what happens when you cook a cake.
September 29th, 2006
It's the scene with the hormone fertilised and enlarged tomato, you know.
September 27th, 2006
Huh, I'm not sure if I understood what Batman said.
September 25th, 2006
I'd say for C), it's the best way to depict the distances of the migrations in an authentic way. Naval(oceanic) migration didn't exist(as far as we know today), so the ocean's stretch can be omitted.
Astonishing! Just this morning I remembered this intro composition and imagined what it would sound like when played on a piano.
November 10th, 2005
This game was great, the music as well. Capcom would be stupid to not remake it any time soon. It's better than Rockman for sure!