The bailout was not an exercise of the Fed's normal powers, but rather a special act by Congress.
The devil you are looking for here is Secretary Paulson, the designated leader of the "rescue bill" planning and execution, not Bernanke.
Also, loans (normal ones, not bailouts) are absolutely necessary for economic growth. I'm not talking about a family recklessly charging too much; I'm talking about the initial money needed for enterprises to start up.
A small amount of inflation is ideal because the effects of even a small amount of deflation are far worse. Deflation is part of what made the Great Depression so bad. With deflation, people who owe debt end up having to pay it off with more valuable money which means they lose money and stay in debt longer. When no one wants to borrow money and get in debt, economic growth is crippled.
Ever since Ron Paul became an internet phenomenon people have been spreading wild views about the Federal Reserve. In reality, although the Fed can control the money supply with the federal interest rate, they have to keep the rate competitive or otherwise the private member banks would withdraw their deposits. The Fed can't actually create money willy nilly. Also, the goal of the Federal Reserve for the past several decades has been to keep inflation at a healthy nominal level, not to raise it.
Just after I 5'd this I clicked on your profile and noticed that you are also the creator of 2 of my favorite sites of the past month. Congrats, you are a winner and cool dude.
Simply put: no way. The ninth is everything the fifth is (a celebration of the triumph of the major key over the doom and fate of the opening movement) but taken to the next level of maturity and grandeur. The fifth is just more famous because of its motif. Not to mention that every single movement of the ninth is practically a pinnacle of Beethoven's various styles.
I suppose what you're trying to do here could be funny if you approached it right, but from the looks of your site description and user profile you sound like one of those douchebags who actually thinks Obama is a Muslim and a somehow a threat.
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