YourMaster's recent comments:

January 25th, 2007
@Csp499 It is a manji, as it has said in the site description for over a year now
November 7th, 2006
On on the site ?canyon.mid
you are a god amongst men
October 26th, 2006
On on the site ?AIDS THE GAME!!!
pretty funny stuff, I remember seeing this pic in a "technical errors in board games" thread in SomethingAwful back a while ago, but it's still funny here.
September 3rd, 2006
a decent caturday collection
August 29th, 2006
On on the site ?lol, steam powered
3 because steam has been nothing but smooth sailing for me
August 28th, 2006
good stuff
August 22nd, 2006
5 because it's happened to me too
August 19th, 2006
good god! I can't believe there's any footage of the pre-comedy cental stuff around anywhere.
August 13th, 2006
5 because i like nebulas
August 13th, 2006
On on the site ?Lion On The Floor
August 6th, 2006
would be 5 if the slides weren't so slow. Otherwise great site. got me looking at my old (1970s-80s) garfield books again.
August 6th, 2006
lol, irony
August 5th, 2006
On on the site ?Darth Vader is Mufasa
wow, i never noticed it was JE Jones in lion king too.
August 2nd, 2006
i lol'd
August 2nd, 2006
On on the site ?We’re artists now.
July 31st, 2006
I lol'd
July 29th, 2006
best kirby one to date.
July 25th, 2006
My favorite meme = instant 5
July 19th, 2006
On on the site ?MST3K Puma Man
5 for the second best robot on that show talking.
July 19th, 2006
5 for /b/ harbl, nigra, ect.
July 18th, 2006
5 for teh BEST ACTOR EVAR!!!!
July 18th, 2006
On on the site ?SimTerrorism
5 for one of my favorite games of the 90s
July 13th, 2006
On on the site ?NES - Power Pad 1988
5 for proving that video game nerds can be jocks too
July 13th, 2006
5 for ducks -1 because i'm too chem resistant to get high on anything but an exorbatent amount of pot
July 13th, 2006
also, @peersShaun: if you look closely, you can see that castro and the others there are stepping down when they get to where he tripped, he appearently lost his footing when he was moving down the step.
July 13th, 2006
the only great zidane one so far
July 10th, 2006
5 for kubrick
July 10th, 2006
On on the site ?Thwomp Mania
i lol'd
July 8th, 2006
Very interesting, another great site, ROY4L
July 8th, 2006
On on the site ?Gman has no class
I think it should have ended after she ran out, but i love that smile of his after she freaks out. First one on the front page that made me lol so far.