gamejunkie's recent comments:

December 6th, 2004
5/5 XD plus I liked Home Improvement
November 2nd, 2004
On on the site ?Drugs are Good
NOFX \o/
October 24th, 2004
Blazing Saddles = 5/5
October 19th, 2004
I'm getting tired of these summoning sites, but this one cracked me up 3/5
October 17th, 2004
On on the site ?Caliente!
Word, I'd tap it like an Iraqi oil reserve :P
September 29th, 2004
September 29th, 2004
On on the site ?It crushed the bone!
Heehee, I loved that :D
September 25th, 2004
September 22nd, 2004
On on the site ?
September 21st, 2004
On on the site ?
where the hell can I get that game?
September 13th, 2004
I believe you have my STAAAARS?
September 4th, 2004
Worst photoshop but the sound is funny. William Hung exactly sounds like Ed from CrankYankers :P
August 5th, 2004
Ditto, Bush has to be the biggest joke of a president in the nation's history
July 19th, 2004
On on the site ?(nsfw) I'm too Sexy!
what!? I'd hit it :D
July 16th, 2004
On on the site ?BANNED!!
Jimx need teh ban
July 14th, 2004
Nice one :D
July 12th, 2004
On on the site ?Boondock Saints
I heard that the DVD wasn't encoded right :(, and I want to see that movie
July 11th, 2004
Nice one :D
July 8th, 2004
Nice job :D, would Sniper be interested if he could send me the files that he used for this one? My AIM sn in halflifefan2k or for MSN messenger
July 8th, 2004
On on the site ?fight win prevail
Love the C&C pages \o/
July 8th, 2004
Bill Nye + Staplers =
July 7th, 2004
On on the site ?:(
Damn, that sucks. I still have my cat, he's about 12 now and I would be devastated if he died as well. Had him since he was a kitten.
July 7th, 2004
Hell yeah, I'd hit it. Holy sh!t are you Gamebrain from the 3D Realms forums?
July 6th, 2004
what movie is that?
July 6th, 2004
nice one gamebrain o/\o
July 3rd, 2004
!ffogU kcuF f*ck Ugoff!
July 1st, 2004
On on the site ?Jearrrrrrrrb
5/5 homestar runner rocks
July 1st, 2004
got an idea for a parody, Put my stapler on it!
June 30th, 2004
Damn, she is way hotter than Kylie! Don't get me wrong, I'd still nail her, after I'm done with Dannii!
June 29th, 2004
On on the site ?DOPPLER RADAR
What is that? They actually announce the counties under a severe thunderstorm warning like that?