hawkfenix's recent comments:

June 22nd, 2009
He's not. That was a clip from Chinatown if I'm not mistaken.
February 6th, 2008
On on the site ?Laughing shark
You are made of win.
January 10th, 2008
Good use of original music!
November 7th, 2007
Retro Site Comeback of the Year Award.
November 1st, 2007
On on the site ?Where's Level - 8?
Bahahahaha. Brilliant!
November 1st, 2007
My comment applies to Korf41 too, except he needs probably 50 CC's.
November 1st, 2007
Meh, more accurate than "Fox News is wrong" CNN, and "CNN is wrong" Fox News
November 1st, 2007
Best comment... EVERRRRR!!!!
November 1st, 2007
Oh, looks like somebody doesn't get the joke. Please, call the waaahhhmbulance, we've got one going into shock! I need 20 CC's of STFU
October 7th, 2007
lulz CNN ftl. lulz Fox News ftl. BBC ftw!
October 3rd, 2007
On on the site ?
Vote 5 or die. (for Poland)
September 27th, 2007
fix the sound and you earn a five.
September 19th, 2007
On on the site ?DON'T TASE ME, BRO!
September 13th, 2007
On on the site ?Google is sexist!
Originality at its finest. n00b.
September 5th, 2007
Feedrosie's a pro. Not as kickin' as the Police, but a good rendition... depressing...
August 26th, 2007
August 18th, 2007
On on the site ?Bidoof Seizes Control
August 10th, 2007
Your What?
August 5th, 2007
On on the site ?Everyone crys.
bahaha. NEDM, please make a comeback.
August 2nd, 2007
sir, we have a winner.
July 21st, 2007
July 17th, 2007
On on the site ?lol, SPOILERS
I believe you forgot Tonks.
July 16th, 2007
This could be the most original YTMND in a while. Until I find better, you earn'd a five.
July 16th, 2007
you are correct, sir!
July 11th, 2007
POOL'S CLOSED, BITCH! good times
July 7th, 2007
'Kay, so when people you don't like use similar lyrics or cuts, it's Plagiarism. However, when they're indie or unknown and they use the same chords or lyrics, it's 'Influences'. Way to go dipsh*t. Oh yeah, and nice photoshop. not.
June 30th, 2007
On on the site ?All Dogs Go To Heaven
You win.
June 26th, 2007
Great site, I'm still pissed that it's mis-cited, but it does show that tons of teenagers don't know what a good movie is. +5 mucho lolz
June 22nd, 2007
Cool beans. Would've been more rad if you photoshopped Rockapella's picture better. 3 for ORIGINALITY. good show.
April 28th, 2007
I lol'd a little.