?(nsfw) Adhina (Ruaidri) |
Skanda |
(1.00) |
65 |
2025-02-07 |
Even the shyest of birds occasionally have their spicy moments... deciding to wear a sheer skirt out for a day of shopping was already a bold move, but after picking up a few new toys at his favourite toy store he got a little too carried away and the idea entered his head that trying one out in public would be an exciting way to spend the afternoon. Slipping it in somewhere discrete, not too worried about it being visible through the sheer fabric figuring his tailfeathers and general fluff would do a good enough job hiding it from view, he settled down at a nearby coffee shop. Unfortunately for poor Addie, the toy ended up being considerably more effective than he had expected. Suffice it to say, everyone around had a pretty good idea what was going on, and given his state there wasn't much he could do about it except wait for his body to calm down enough for him to be able to walk away...
Fortunately, this kind of thing is well tolerated and often even enjoyed his his world, so he shouldn't get into much trouble. Judging by the subtle shake of the camera though, we may be viewing this through someone's phone recording... that's what you get for trying out toys in public, Addie!
sound origin:
?Catalina (Amante Yoga Studio) - Buttercoat |
Skanda |
(1.00) |
66 |
2024-12-24 |
This is Catalina, owner of Amante Yoga Studio.
She is a Futanari. She has recently opened a yoga studio. She likes to do yoga and would like to share her talents with the world. She has a thing for tattoos and every tattoo she has is symbolic of her journey.
In the six months that the studio has been open, it has quickly gained tremendous popularity through Catalina's unique style of instruction and consistent rave reviews from her students.
sound origin:
?(nsfw) Victoria Beckett (SevenArtS,TheSevenArts... |
Skanda |
(1.00) |
68 |
2025-02-01 |
AGE: 34 ,
HEIGHT: 5'10" ,
WEIGHT: 134lbs.
Victoria Beckett started her rise to power by attending West Point Military Academy when she was 18. Later becoming an Infantry Officer for the US Army in 2027. In her four year service she served in the Eastern European War of 2031, where she was wounded by a rocket that hit her MATV. Her combat expertise lead to her soldiers calling her "War Mother". After leaving the Army she still had a strong desire to fight. DIQ noticed she had an immense talent for combat operations and hired her for their new Security Forces Branch. Starting off as a Section Commander it wasn't long before she became the Chief Deputy Director of the entire SF. She endulges in her newfound power and wealth so much that looking at her you wouldn't assume she's a tested war veteran. From the DIQ Headquarters she managed NAT's forces in the Liberation Wars with her right hand Amanda Grant. While stern and well disciplined, she is not against letting loose and having fun when there isn't work to do. Enjoying the fruits of her labor with expensive drinks and other poisons. The only thing that can match her ferocious appetite for fighting is her sex drive. Many men fear her in both aspects. Only the best warriors get rewarded with her time in the bedroom. You better stand at attention for her...
sound origin:
?Shanin Blake |
Skanda |
(3.60) |
72 |
2024-12-13 |
Shanin Blake (born Shannon B. Lowrey, October 31, 1994) is an American pop singer, artist, influencer and model.
She was born in Moscow, Idaho. According to Hip Hop Vibe, Blake "initially rose to notability, when she was recording music as a teenager" and "in 2012, some of her work began going viral".
At 17 years old Blake gave birth to daughter Juniper Rhythm (b. July 4, 2012), raising Juniper as a single mother.
In 2019 Blake moved from Utah to San Diego, California, and established herself in the local music scene. She recorded a song, "Stop, Wait a Minute", that year, that became locally popular and led to her being covered in local media. Blake recounted being in travel, possibly in Costa Rica when the song blew up, and being only vaguely aware of the success it was achieving.
She rose to prominence in 2023, singing with Lo-fi hip-hop and dream-pop influences, married to a hippy aesthetic. She maintained a social media presence, and in April 2024 was described as "a veteran singer, but she’s become a TikTok superstar" for whom "a lot of the things she does end up going viral".
Dazed described her music as: "Sung to the sort of neo-soul cadence reminiscent of artists like Erykah Badu and Noname, the words come by way of viral singer-influencer Shanin Blake. With over a million followers, the white-dreaded artist – also referred to as ‘Hippy Barbie’ within certain online circles – is refracting across TikTok feeds"[8] Dazed additionally described how: "In one popular video, Blake claims to have cured a kidney infection with “good vibes”, while tracks like “Energy Vampires” and “5G” sound like an AI chatbot if its dataset was plugged with Amethyst clusters and conspiracy theories." In September 2024, she was profiled in Rolling Stone magazine. In the Rolling Stone interview she reasserted that her claim of curing her kidney infection in her video for "Peru Song" was true, while insisting that she is not pressuring others to avoid antibiotics or otherwise copy her path. The Rolling Stone piece additionally addressed and debunked various internet rumors that had spread about Blake, such as that her parents were defense contractors, and that she had died at the Burning Man festival.
sound origin:
?(nsfw) Elinore - Ralph Bakshi's Wizards |
Skanda |
(3.00) |
71 |
2025-01-30 |
Elinore is one of the main protagonists of Ralph Bakshi's Wizards.
She was voiced by Jesse Welles, who also voiced Eva in Hey Good Lookin'.
She is seen in the beginning of the movie when Avatar becomes a tutor tasked to trained her to become a full-fledged fairy. Suddenly, her father, the president, is assassinated by Necron 99, a robot sent by Blackwolf to kill believers in magic. Elinore flies into a rage at the death of her father, and Avatar confronts the robot and battles it using telepathy. Necron 99 loses the desire for war and Avatar changes the robot's name to Peace. Avatar learns from the robot that the "dream machine" – the projector – is Blackwolf's secret weapon, inspiring his armies with images of ancient warfare. Avatar, Elinore, Peace, and the elf spy Weehawk set out to destroy the projector and save the world from another Holocaust.
In a forest inhabited by fairies, Peace has an intuition that something is amiss shortly before the group is accosted by the leader of the fairies, Sean. Weehawk realizes that Peace is missing, when an unseen assassin kills Sean and kidnaps Elinore. Avatar and Weehawk begin to search for Elinore in the forbidden Fairy Sanctuary, but Weehawk falls into a chasm and insists that Avatar leaves him and finds the girl. Weehawk is rescued from a giant poison gas-breathing mutant insect by Peace, who shoots it dead after dealing with his assassin comrades. As Weehawk rests, exhausted from the battle, Avatar locates Elinore, who has been captured by fairies and small human-like creatures, and is about to be killed.
Avatar attempts to explain that they did not kill Sean, but the fairies don't believe him, and shoot him with an arrow. Wounded in the shoulder, Avatar refuses to fight back, which impresses the fairy king. Instead of executing them, he merely teleports Avatar and Elinore to a snowy mountaintop. Avatar and Elinore resume their journey despite the poor conditions, but they soon realize they are wandering in circles. Weehawk and Peace finally find them and together they find their way out of the mountains.
Soon Avatar and the others encounter the encamped army of an elf General who is preparing to attack Scortch the following day, but Blackwolf launches a sneak attack that night. Elinore is outside with Peace when one of Blackwolf's mutants sneaks into camp and attacks her, but Avatar is able to stop it before it hurts her. Things turn for the worse, though, as a battle tank arrives to destroy the camp. Peace manages to disable the crew, but as he inspects the vehicle, Elinore kills him with a sword and climbs into the tank. It drives away as Avatar and Weehawk watch in confusion.
The next day, Avatar and Weehawk enter Scortch by ship and make for Blackwolf's castle while the General leads his elf warriors in a bloody battle to distract Blackwolf's forces. The pair splits up, Weehawk tracking Elinore while Avatar goes after his brother Blackwolf. Weehawk nearly kills Elinore, but she explains that Blackwolf has been controlling her mind ever since she first touched Peace. Blackwolf declares his magic superior to Avatar's and demands his surrender. Avatar admits that he hasn't practiced magic in some time, and offers to show Blackwolf one last trick that their mother showed him when Blackwolf wasn't around; he then pulls a gun and fatally shoots Blackwolf. With the loss of their leader, the mutants give up fighting. With Montagar's safety secured, Weehawk returns home, but Avatar and Elinore decide to go start their own kingdom instead.
sound origin:
?Arcee - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023 Fil... |
Skanda |
(1.00) |
74 |
2024-12-23 |
Arcee was among the crew of Autobots that had become stranded on Earth after arriving in 1987. Seven years later in 1994, she and the others were in New York City when Optimus witnessed the activation of the transwarp key. The Autobots regrouped in a warehouse to find Mirage had taken in a stowaway, Noah Díaz, who Arcee researched and discovered his past as a soldier. Arcee confirmed the existence of the transwarp key in the museum on Ellis Island, and the group realized they could use it to return to Cybertron. Arcee pointed out they couldn't take the key themselves without evading detection, but Mirage convinced Noah to steal the key for them, despite the group's misgivings. Arcee helped stakeout the museum during Noah's infiltration, only for the Terrorcons to arrive in force. Arcee was knocked out of the fight by the burly Battletrap, and the group lost Bumblebee to Scourge's blade. The group was saved by the timely arrival of Airazor, who explained Scourge had only taken half of the key, and Arcee convinced Elena Wallace to help lead them to the remaining half in Peru after encouraging her with the knowledge she'd be saving two worlds in the process.
On the flight to Peru aboard Stratosphere, Arcee wondered if the slain Bumblebee could be revived with an Energon treatment, but Optimus lamented that they likely couldn't without returning to Cybertron. The group linked up with Wheeljack and Arcee rode inside his vehicle mode as they took positions keeping watch while Noah and Elena hunted for the key. The Terrorcons arrived and engaged the Autobots in battle. While Wheeljack drove, Arcee provided some firepower in her robot mode, but once again Battletrap took her and Wheeljack out of the fight by making them tumble down a mountainside in the ensuing car chase. Arcee regrouped with the others when they confronted the Maximals, aiming at Cheetor until Airazor defused the stand-off. When Scourge obtained the complete key and began to bring Unicron to Earth, Arcee took part in the battle against the Terrorcons and their Predacon reinforcements. Though Arcee's speed and blasters served her well, things looked grim when Unicron appeared in the sky and the Autobot-Maximal alliance began to be submerged by the sheer numbers of their enemy. Arcee was aghast when Optimus declared his intention to sacrifice himself to destroy the portal bringing forth Unicron, but luckily, Noah and Optimus Primal saved Optimus and the day from the Chaos Bringer.
sound origin:
?WNBA Mascot - The Simpsons |
Skanda |
(1.00) |
75 |
2025-01-03 |
The Simpsons' tenth episode of Season 14 (301/EABF06-February 9, 2003) - Pray Anything
At a WNBA game, Homer notices that things always seem to turn out for the best for Ned. Ned wins $100,000 as a reward for donating $50,000 he won in a contest. Ned then gets to drive home in a food shaped car which makes Homer even more jealous. Homer then tries to find out Ned's secret and why he keeps getting good luck.
sound origin:
?Sunny - WWF |
Skanda |
(3.50) |
93 |
2024-10-08 |
Skip's better half, Sunny, claims there isn't a woman alive who doesn't dream of being in her workout shoes. "Look at me!" she glows. "I'm the closest thing to perfection you'll ever experience on this Earth! Women long to be me, and men
long to be WITH me. You know what I say? The chances of that rate right up there with the chance of Roseanne giving up Suzy-Q's! Slime to NONE!"
-: 1996 WWF Magazine : #12 - Sunny of the Body Donnas
sound origin:
?Friday Night Yakuza |
NoName547 |
(3.67) |
144 |
2023-11-20 |
The ironic thing is that I made this site on a Monday.
sound origin:
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=OoBCSNo9OUM&si=O8aM1hdyT32RxVU2 (Narcotic Thrust - When the Dawn Breaks (Instrumental))
DarthWang |
(4.17) |
185 |
2025-01-04 |
Look at that, I got him thinking, I got him thinking, maybe I can win a pawn
sound origin:
For some reason I only really remember 2 things about this movie: this line, and the fact that in the final game, the rival kid could have actually drawn if he didn't take on e5 with his king a few moves before the end
?Two Minutes |
ArchersbyLULZ |
(4.00) |
197 |
2022-06-02 |
So far, this image has lasted for about two years in my HDD's world. I either used to think that this was the funniest thing in the episode, or I thought that it was a perfect pfp (which I still think).
sound origin:
Harvey Birdman S01E08
?Phantom floating cube |
JohnnyJetpack |
(4.00) |
197 |
2024-12-15 |
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age." –H.P. Lovecraft
sound origin:
Music I found
?Testy254 |
nuva254 |
(3.50) |
204 |
2015-07-01 |
Just figuring out how to use this
sound origin:
Youtube. First thing that pops us when searching "f-zero big blue remix"
?What's the matter? |
ArchersbyLULZ |
(3.00) |
219 |
2022-05-30 |
If you can't tell, I make YTMNDs for things that are stuck in my head (mostly).
sound origin:
Master Shake being sick of pussies
?Lets head to the LTT auction, get some propietary s... |
ldrancer |
(4.00) |
243 |
2023-09-18 |
Need some propietary in your portfolio? Come on down to a Linus Tech Tips auction. Its all for CHARITY.
(it is propietary because it was a prototype that was manufactured by someone and had the thing released)
sound origin:
if i never saw ltt again I'd be happy.
?(nsfw) Lamar Berry |
official-lamar-berry |
(1.00) |
257 |
2023-01-20 |
You'll see amazing things that YouTube doesn't allow and you'll only see them here.NSFW content is also allowed,so you won't have to worry about that
sound origin:
Sound Source:MEGA
?"That's alright. This thing's gotta h... |
everysentenceuttered |
(3.40) |
267 |
2007-08-24 |
no description given.
sound origin:
?Get Up Offa That Thing |
tommywatson |
(2.00) |
267 |
2014-04-02 |
Get Up Offa That Thing
sound origin:
?Surfing the Web in 2015 |
DrellAssassin |
(1.50) |
270 |
2015-10-18 |
All of the things that pervade my internet surfing in 2015
sound origin:
Can You Dig It (Iron Man 3 Main Titles) by Brian Tyler
?"I don't want to see him again. Make tha... |
everysentenceuttered |
(3.00) |
274 |
2007-06-24 |
no description given.
sound origin:
?Gilbert saw what you posted... |
WarioDaGangsta69 |
(2.33) |
291 |
2023-03-20 |
Gilbert saw that cringey ass thing you just posted...
sound origin:
Shrouded from FNF Classified, composed by NeoBeat
?D O O M & R E G R E T |
thebatmanfan |
(3.50) |
296 |
2023-03-27 |
Many mistakes have been made.
Paths which should have been taken are closed.
The simple, beautiful things around are tainted by a tinge of regret.
And the inevitability of future failure brings forth doom.
All that's left to do is to drive.
sound origin:
?shake that thing |
peanuthead523 |
(1.25) |
313 |
2007-04-19 |
no description given.
sound origin:
sean paul
?The Time of my Life |
jawr |
(2.00) |
319 |
2014-10-17 |
Just remember. You're the one thing that I can't get enough of.
sound origin:
?Joy of Cola |
FuriousFure |
(3.00) |
324 |
2006-07-28 |
I found this Thing in the pepi drain the only thing that goes through this drain is pepsi products.
sound origin:
Eyeball - yoko kanno; seatbelts
?(nsfw only for the extra bit) Chiro experiences the fi... |
MotionlessCliff |
(3.33) |
338 |
2024-09-14 |
The funny thing is, YTMND itself has essentially become much more of the American diner of the internet as time kept flying. Yes, of course this was inspired by those SpongeBob and Courage YTMNDs...
NOTE: I was forced to display the image in a scale that small due to how worthless every single image compressor online is, click here for the actual display since I don't wanna waste it completely: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rcSI5CwtDBtQLloqDBO2u_kAeun_TrR2/view?usp=drive_link
It would really be an honor if you take that sized image, shrink the file size but keep the full view and recreate this entire YTMND with it. Like what this YTMND was originally intended to be.
sound origin:
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! - Girl Trouble
?Inappropriate Church Music B |
Queefmaster |
(3.00) |
345 |
2020-04-19 |
Cakey is their makeup, Catholics try to shake up,
All the things that form their lives, but
Dead, their sighs, their songs
They know what they do is wrong.
Stay here with us, it's just time.
Transylvanian Concubine.
sound origin:
Rasputina - Transylvanian Concubine (Manson)
?Stewie Does Chatback |
MotionlessCliff |
(4.00) |
351 |
2023-08-21 |
Welcome back to things that shouldn't exist but do.
sound origin:
Chatback Advert (AI voice used with Musicfy)
?Throw |
MotorBurn |
(2.50) |
352 |
2013-10-21 |
It's ridiculous that something so simple as this worn and torn ball that has been thrown so many times over the years holds so much history. It may not men much to you or someone else but to me, this thing has been with me everywhere and for so long.
sound origin:
Industrialist-Pr1m3 |
(2.00) |
362 |
2021-06-29 |
Yeah so that's A thing (YSTAT) is a YTMND site that focuses on those mundane objects, or products, that don't function in a typical, or expected way that causes frustration.
sound origin:
Old demo from 2009.