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come on shake your body baby
2014-05-04 14:04:41
Come on , shake your body baby, do the conga I know you cant control yourself any longer Come on , shake your body baby, do the conga I know you cant control yourself any longer Come on , shake your body baby, do the conga I know you cant control yourself any longer Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger Dont you fight it til you tried it, do that conga beat Everbody gather round now Let your body feel the heat Dont you worry if you cant dance; Let the music move your feet Its the rhythm of the island, and like the sugar cane so sweet If you want to do the conga, youve got to listen to the beat Come on , shake your body baby, do the conga I know you cant control yourself any longer Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger Dont you fight it til you tried it, do that conga beat Feel the fire of desire, as you dance the night away cause tonight were gonna party, til we see the break of day Better get yourself together, and hold on to what youve got Once the music hits your system, theres no way your gonna stop (repeat 3xs) come on , shake your body baby, do the conga I know you cant control yourself any longer Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger Dont you fight it til you tried it, do that conga beat Come on , shake your body baby, do the conga

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