well, "Ha Ha" for you, but he does make some fun/silly sites. and what the fuck is the matter with pumping out silly ideas? especially in trash internet gif form? do you have resentments because not enough people here appreciated'd your genius work?
why do you even post ANYTHING? i'm serious. it's like some bad idea pops into your head and the final result never seems to be worth lifting a finger over, let alone entertaining the original thought.
And Jesus Christ, I'm watching some Alex Jones videos and this guy is nuts! Only once before have I searched him out to watch his output. This dude is totally outta-here. I love it! He's saying that Bin Laden was killed a long time ago and was frozen.
proxy‑lickit‑x4's recent comments:
haha + LOL = your bad sites.
"hey, i haven't posted a site in months and months and months... i... think... i'll post... a... MONTAGE!
At approx. 1:30 he fake cries then says he's not fake crying, he really is crying. Crying for help maybe?