Think about it. You tug one out and wipe it up with a tissue, it gets absorbed and hardens into a crust. What do you thinks gonna happen if you coat an absorbant, cotton tampon. f*ckin' morons.
Have we forgotten the ebaum war so quickly? Don't just post something someone else madem especially if you're not going to add anything original to it. And don't forget the most important rule. Credit where it's due. This came from http://www.rockpapersad
You might want to do something more constructive with your free time. Like, oh I dunno, posting overly critical reviews of sites on the internet under the delusion that your opinion actually matters. Take that, haters!
What the f*ck?! After all the bullsh*t with ebaum, how the f*ck are you gonna steal from (one of our allies, by the way) and not give credit?! Put some image origin up on there NOW!!
Don't you just love how kids these days are all about the 80s, yet when a reference is made to something of pop cultural signifigance from that decade, they just don't get it or regard it as "totally ramndom sh*t"? Anyway, great work. I'd love to see a fu
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