Chalz's recent comments:

April 1st, 2006
Yeah...i'd hit it...with a sock full of quarters I'd hit it.
March 27th, 2006
+ 1,000,000
March 7th, 2006
lol, age nine!
March 7th, 2006
lol, age nine!
March 7th, 2006
lol, age nine!
March 7th, 2006
lol, age nine!
March 7th, 2006
lol, age nine!
February 27th, 2006
Funny...go to a Slipknot concert and then go to a Rolling Stones concert and see who seems to have mastered their instruments of choice better...awful comparison...Billy Joe Armstrong is one of the best songwriters to come out of the past decade or more..
February 19th, 2006
Can you say HAX?! 7 sites by the same same person...all in the top 20...right next to each other? Oh...forgot to mention that they ALL SUCK!
February 16th, 2006
Well played.
February 12th, 2006
Wow...teh suck... This site is going to die. :(
January 22nd, 2006
This rocks for the "Snake Killed Dumbledore" that flashes across the bottom right at the intro screen...and some awesome facts.