Darunia's recent comments:

April 16th, 2006
5'd for Tomcraft.
March 7th, 2006
Nice. I enjoyed the episode where he was obsessed with finding that soing he heard his neighbor playing though.
March 7th, 2006
This is a piece of sh*t, good job making a joke out of a car wreck asshat. Your sh*t isn't funny, and it's not even worthy for a sob story.
February 18th, 2006
Get this sh*t off the top 5. For filling up the slot for almost 2 weeks, I'm downvoting all of your sites.
February 2nd, 2006
Logged in just to vote on this. Someone needs to go Wikipedia this to immortalize it.
January 20th, 2006
Also, and best action movie? Marv in Sin City kicks an insane amount of *ss in that film, like kicking through the front of a police car and jumping down about eight flights of stairs? Hell, Harry Potter runs from a f*cking dragon and comes out of the maz
January 20th, 2006
I'm sorry but Munich was a bad *ss movie, and somehow Serenity and Crash managed to beat it. Shows how you can't keep dumbasses out of reviewing things.
January 19th, 2006
On on the site ?South Park Manga
Heh, pretty nice.
January 11th, 2006
I'd also like to point out, Ebaum's World has had enough proof that the Lindsay Lohan thin was in fact stolen. As for the "immature" prnaks, I'd like to ask Eric Bauman how mature it is to withhold credit from things people have done. Next time Eric, type the message yourself, pussy.