DggrEdg's recent comments:

July 8th, 2008
no! "eating hundreds of babies, and kissing hundreds of chicken dinners" It's a TRAP
March 28th, 2008
nothing about Pacard is funny
March 26th, 2008
downvote my comment all you like. Pacard still wont be funny
March 19th, 2008
f*cking magnificent
March 18th, 2008
5'd for Gonorrhea monster
March 18th, 2008
On on the site ?LOL IRON MAIDEN!!!
great audio
March 18th, 2008
ear rape is not funny. nor should it be 5'd
March 16th, 2008
On on the site ?ZERO CRATES
chicken... goood
March 15th, 2008
5'd for choir Lando
March 15th, 2008
March 15th, 2008
flawless victory
March 14th, 2008
laser gay!
March 12th, 2008
On on the site ?Saruman Goes Bowling
gibbets and crows!
March 11th, 2008
On on the site ?Political Pokemon
Barack eats hundreds of babies. It's super-effective!
March 10th, 2008
On on the site ?DK inavades Cuba
it's an inavasion!
March 4th, 2008
On on the site ?Tiger Uppercut
i wonder how he feels about buses
March 2nd, 2008
On on the site ?March of the Hillaries
is America ready for a penguin president?
March 1st, 2008
all to easy
March 1st, 2008
beans and cornbread
February 29th, 2008
On on the site ?2008 Election Epicness
it's such a shame Pacard isn't funny
February 26th, 2008
On on the site ?Hey Bub... use F11.
i go... where I wanna go.
February 11th, 2008
On on the site ?McLovin's new license
man dat's some quantum sh*t right there
February 11th, 2008
On on the site ?
weee ear rape
February 11th, 2008
On on the site ?Andy Teaches Hate
February 10th, 2008
Uncle Phil... instant 5
February 10th, 2008
+5 for ????? cat
February 10th, 2008
1'd for stupidity