DrBuddha's recent comments:

July 19th, 2006
noooo, I'm being a f*cktard cos I haven't eaten today, it was Tomcraft - Overdose. I also saw Static-X - Fix used on a meth fad ytmnd
July 19th, 2006
the neame of the song was Fix by Tomcraft IIRC
July 18th, 2006
fantastic! FYI the THX music is called Deep Tone. and should be loud enough to shatter glasses and brains.
July 18th, 2006
amazing music I usually think people chose the wrong music, not you man!
July 11th, 2006
On on the site ?Cosby Bebop
a winnar, the best ytmnd ever
July 11th, 2006
This should so totally have Ozma - Korobeiniki, or have it mixed with Ghost Love Score, or strokin', god I love strokin
July 3rd, 2006
It's good, but has two problems, the picture doesn't load for me :( And also, any ytmnd is better with the picard song!!
May 22nd, 2006
5 for a site that has strokin' at last
May 1st, 2006
On on the site ?A-Rod at Work
lol dong, but why is the music not strokin?
April 4th, 2006
David Hasselhoff drinks vodka by the half pint!
March 19th, 2006
The 4th one in that queue, yeah she's hot, I'd tap that.