TheAlmightyRod's recent comments:

On on the site ?The Downvote Project!
April 30th, 2006
On on the site ?lol, hillary hitler
BEcause your a racist Pig
April 24th, 2006
Everyone knows Mexican hating bigots have God on their side. Either God, or "Super Emporer Palpatine."
April 11th, 2006
Pants... shriking... oh god. NSFW kids. NSFW
April 11th, 2006
On on the site ?Bush emo
April 11th, 2006
On on the site ?Mortor You phail at existance.
April 11th, 2006
olol. Isn't teh internet fun? Fun fun fun. So fun. So very fun. Fun.
April 11th, 2006
Once again proving Myspace is for the illiterate and emo. Oh, and Bradness: way to go m8 on creating a dumbsh*t waste of bandwidth to show off your love for Queen and the gayest Roman emporer of all time. Next time you have a though, just let it go.
April 11th, 2006
eateries, eh? gay.
April 11th, 2006
What you get is what you read. Doesn't change the fact that its hard to ejaculate and vomit at the same time.
March 20th, 2006 It's a somewhat underground fad
January 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Feedback Page
At least we're not on Newgrounds right now. "Blam! Blam blam blam! Blam you! Blam everything you create! Blam your mom!"
January 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Boondocks: NYUUGGAAA!
Well, I always enjoy a good Boondocks clip. But, your gif and clip went on for a while, and for the time it was downloading, I think I went temporarily insane. Anyhow... listen to Niatona, you need to find yourself a color clip without the text AND optimi
January 24th, 2006
Yes. Yes yes yes. Yes.
January 24th, 2006
Uh... OMG Secret Binary Indian Good Luck Sign Code?!!1
January 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Feedback Page
Thank you for making it easier for me to get back in touch with you. Its difficult sometimes for me to respond to certain reviews left on my sites. You recently asked how I could get my page onto Up and Coming YTMNDs without hacking, as my page now has a
January 24th, 2006
Note: If I took off the maddox watermarks, that would be stealing. Stealing is what websites get f'ed over for.
January 24th, 2006
So.. why play the gay fuel techno remix to it? Is he gay too? Lawl.