WhangDhangler's recent comments:

December 17th, 2006
if only nostradamus could have predicted your spelling error
October 31st, 2006
On on the site ?Ghosty pics
i was hoping for an NEDM
October 20th, 2006
On on the site ?War
How can you claim that this isn't meant to be taken in a political context when you juxtapose pictures of wounded iraqis with pictures of Bush? That seems to convey a pretty clear political message.
September 21st, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
Regarding the question about who shall die for my sins, the bible gave me the impression that Jesus suffered and died to forgive all of our sins. He pretty much gave us all a Get Out of Hell Free card.
August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?Sorry Pluto
Now that Pluto isn't a planet, what the f*ck is my very enthusiastic mother supposed to serve us?
July 22nd, 2006
On on the site ?Clerks 2 - the movie.
This site might have ruined the ending of Clerks 2, but the writers of Clerks 2 ruined the beginning and middle.
July 22nd, 2006
Maybe if lolpirates could find his own grammatical errors to mock i would need to post the same comment.
July 22nd, 2006
The grammatical error lolpirates mocks is that Hours of Research LEAD, rather than LEADS.(I had noticed first and told lolpirates, but he decided to comment before me.) Still a funny video, though.