Xulin's recent comments:

June 2nd, 2007
On on the site ?Nintendo plot twist
Why does Link have BOOBS!?!?!?!
December 12th, 2006
I can't believe they can't get this conversion, down. When you are quoting prices, YOU MUST KNOW HOW MUCH TO CHARGE. Geez.
December 11th, 2006
On on the site ?
lmao! But where are your sources??
October 18th, 2006
Hmm... that was a long boring video. It only really got interesting toward the end. Those were some really odd invading questions... why would anyone tolerate that crap?
October 6th, 2006
That was truly what I would expect Kirk to choose... well not really.
June 25th, 2006
Well, the last time I checked, Catholosism didn't ban the movie, "The DaVinci Code". I wonder what the "church" would do if someone made a movie 'bout scientology.