andreb's recent comments:

November 28th, 2005
On on the site ?3.141592653589793...
This is awesome.
November 25th, 2005
On on the site ?Link O RLY?
BTW... it's played by Rabbit Joint Cover. :)
November 25th, 2005
On on the site ?Link O RLY?
I found the song while randomly searching for Zelda soundtrack for this ytmnd. I got lucky as hell.
November 24th, 2005
On on the site ?I am Farzan.
Can you explain please? =B
November 19th, 2005
On on the site ?WoW - Mage Hero Class
Where did you get that song? I'd really love to have it. And BTW, so true!
November 19th, 2005
On on the site ?Medieval BIZARRO!
Very nice!
November 7th, 2005
I liked it!
October 29th, 2005
Actually I got that song from a Zelda fan site, and the group that plays the song is called "The Rabbit Joint". Never seen the Newgrounds version of it, maybe I'll look that up. Thanks for your comment. :)