chiablo's recent comments:

June 13th, 2006
Awesome work! The sons always freaked me out, especially if you free them.
May 19th, 2006
On on the site ?Metropolis
It's interesting to see a YTMND that is cool rather than lamely trying to be funny. I love your choice of music too.
May 19th, 2006
On on the site ?Cosby Bebop
You are truley a God among men. Here's hoping for more Cowboy Bebop YTMND's in the future!
April 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?Rubber Cosby
Don't know if very many people will catch the Aphex Twins reference. Awesome jeorb though.
April 21st, 2006
I would want to join his guild just to listen to him wig out on Ventrillo.
April 21st, 2006
99% fake. But because it's on Ventrillo, it'll be viewed as real.
January 18th, 2006
You have a really good idea going on here... However I would recommend you definatly change the music. Trying to coast along on a fad is a bad way to have a hit. Trust me, there are many wacky goofy Cirque songs out there.
January 4th, 2006
January 4th, 2006
On on the site ?Missing WoW Tip
Um... apparently the creator has never heard of Scholomance, UBRS, and LBRS. All of those are excellent 5-main instances for level 60 characters. LERN 2 PLAY!
December 16th, 2005
I don't think enough people in the world could downvote this peice of crap.
December 16th, 2005
Problem 1: The murloc noise is not long enough, add a few more clips in there to make it appear he is giving a long speech. Problem 2: The applause is too long and is of low quality. Fix those two and you will have a true winner!
December 2nd, 2005
Hey it's Bill O'RLY?
December 2nd, 2005
On on the site ?tie
You can download the song by doing a search for it on