chibiyoshi's recent comments:

August 10th, 2006
"It's a trap!" ftw
July 20th, 2006
lol, I know how you feel. I work at Walgreens. In FLORIDA. The only state where a 70 year old who hasn't owned a driver's licence in 10 years can get a new one without even taking a test. >.< Hope no one drives through MY store. o.o;
July 13th, 2006
Haha, I have this vid XD; Classic 80s-ness.
June 25th, 2006
Today the St. Petersburg (a city just south of Clearwater) Times ran a front-page article on Scientology's policy of "suppressive persons" and "disconnection." It made me wonder if this whole campaign got so much attention that even newspapers are taking off with it. =P
May 24th, 2006
ROFL, Luthor pwns Sony
May 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Ronald Hunts McFly
lol, I thought it was gonna be the scene in BTF2 where Biff is chasing Marty down that tunnel (lol, roadkill). Still funny, though. XP