ibax7588's recent comments:

July 28th, 2008
On on the site ?Breaking the Cuffs
5'd for real music
June 15th, 2008
...and how can this be? For fearcondom IS the Kwisatz Haderach!
June 4th, 2008
I saw the title and crossed my fingers, and it was EFNY. 5'd for best f*cking movie ever!
June 3rd, 2008
On on the site ?Doug's neighbor
Despite your reassuring description, I always thought there was something odd, dare I say pederast, about Mr. Dink...
June 2nd, 2008
UHH... No you can't has cheeseburger!
May 19th, 2008
Maybe I'm just caught up in Indy fever, but this is awesome. PS Ford sounds about ready to launch the Brown October...
May 8th, 2008
On on the site ?Master of Lag
I must've had him in my game of GTA IV earlier, F&^%ING LAG!!!
May 1st, 2008
Fallout did take place in California... Shady Sands could've been Bel-Air
April 29th, 2008
On on the site ?
I could never get away from the damn Yeti... 5'd for truthiness
April 29th, 2008
I would totally trust Ted Danson to keep me safe at sea...
April 28th, 2008
That is some serious No Reason Matlab, I'll bet he had to stand way back from the tiolet when he took a piss that day...
April 27th, 2008
Epic failure... everyone knows George Lucas only dreams in CGI.
April 26th, 2008
On on the site ?KOENTMND: GooseLab
5'd for Monty Python reference
April 25th, 2008
You may only have to post this once... Koen FTW
April 25th, 2008
Man, that was awesome, We should put on these remixes on a CD and MAIL it to Koen... at his HOUSE
April 24th, 2008
Koen should totally put out an album
April 24th, 2008
On on the site ?
5'd for Arrested Development
April 22nd, 2008
April 21st, 2008
On on the site ?Put It In The Bag
He sounds drunk...
April 21st, 2008
On on the site ?Remember To Vote!
Just as long as he doesn't lead a puppet government controlled by Darth Vader, it'll be freaking Bespin all over again!
April 21st, 2008
Trying to steal Koen's Matlab, shame on them... they haven't even finished C yet!
April 21st, 2008
Works just as good as a Roofie...
April 21st, 2008
haha, I'll have to do that every time I have explosive diarrhea now...
April 21st, 2008
Pardon my French, but don't you have Diabetes?
April 21st, 2008
^PS Is that the Dad from 7th Heaven on that thing!?
April 21st, 2008
I did not need to see this this early in the morning...
April 20th, 2008
On on the site ?Live Homer
April 20th, 2008
On on the site ?5T1LL 63771N6 L41D
That is most certainly NOT Iron Maiden... but glad to hear that Dr-L337 is still getting laid.
April 19th, 2008
On on the site ?MANNY THE UNCANNY
Super freak extraordinaire, Freakazoid, Freakazoid...