icyinferno's recent comments:

February 10th, 2010
On on the site ?The New Sturmaggus
Simply awesome!
July 1st, 2009
On on the site ?Treeelfs2
professional quality!
March 19th, 2009
On on the site ?treeelfs
o...m...g... awesome
January 25th, 2008
wow. this is... incredible.
May 4th, 2007
May 4th, 2007
On on the site ?Wii truly all Hope
best song... evar!
May 4th, 2007
ahh a true classic. I can't believe it's been over a year since this /gkick took place. For those of you who still think it is fake.... I can verify this is a real.
May 4th, 2007
On on the site ?Greasty Pirate
I like it. It's... shall we say, interesting?
October 8th, 2006
Who in their right mind would want to pay an extra $200 on a game console for blu-ray just to watch HD movies when Blu-ray isn't even a proven format yet (Even though Blu-ray is superior to HD-DVD, it could turn end up like Sony's BetaMax). If the PS3 didn't have blu-ray, I'd get one... but until blu-ray wins the format war, I'm better off getting a Wii until the PS3's price drops. In 2 or 3 years, blu-ray or hd-dvd (whichever wins) will be $200. I wouldn't want to upgrade my entire DVD collection though
October 6th, 2006
Blu-ray sucks. Give it a few years til blu-ray is priced reasonable and when more people actually have HDTVs. If ps3 didn't have blu-ray (a 'feature' that is totally unnecessary) it would be around $300-$400. So I expect ps3 will be a reasonable price in a few years. In the meantime... Wii ftw.
May 27th, 2006
well... at least it's different than your other sites... :/
May 27th, 2006
On on the site ?Vader Oddity
May 25th, 2006
One of my new favorites!
May 25th, 2006
The song fits perfectly. It fits figuratively and literally! Awesome!
April 2nd, 2006