jackassterson's recent comments:

September 2nd, 2007
On on the site ?VOTE RON PAUL 2008!!!
Ron Paul is a small gopher. Because of that he is not eligible to become President. The same thing happened back in the day when Ross Perot was revealed to be a meerkat.
June 16th, 2007
People go to jail for fakes now? Wow.
March 25th, 2007
March 19th, 2007
March 17th, 2007
Why'd you cut the song off? o.O
March 17th, 2007
March 7th, 2007
Enough. For the love of God, enough sites about Captain America.
December 16th, 2006
Better than a choo choo.
November 17th, 2006
Original's way funnier.
November 14th, 2006
On on the site ?Borat National Anthem
One star bone brain Uzbek plot. Five star glorious Kazahk for glory of Kazahkstan.
November 13th, 2006
On on the site ?][ hullo? ][
November 4th, 2006
Very "after the bomb" feel. Creepy.
October 22nd, 2006
On on the site ?DR-L337'S DAY OFF
October 16th, 2006
On on the site ?He Forgot Something
Santa Claus didn't die on the cross for this.
October 9th, 2006
October 9th, 2006
People who walk on two legs commited the vast majority of murders in human history. Therefore, they are more evil than your four choices. Don't trust two leggers!
September 29th, 2006
Superman is a dick.
September 28th, 2006
5'd for Sagan.
September 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
Meh. Not enough golden fiddle playing for my taste.