koztah's recent comments:

April 29th, 2007
Stating that the underlying cause of the universe is self-sufficient denies Causality, which is the basis of your argument. Also, you make some weird leaps of logic - just because the current universe originated from a singularity doesn't mean this singularity is/was God, UNLESS of course, you acknowledge that to you, God is simply a creator as opposed to a metaphysical being as described by every theistic religion. Your argument also assumes that entropy is irreversible, which is not proven (or disproven).
December 10th, 2006
On on the site ?EpicBeerMug
Psh. That's a blue tops. In order to be epic, it needs spikes, glowy sh*t and blades. And it needs to be coloured bright purple and neon green. Basically, if it doesn't look like it came from the dollar store's toy section, it ain't epic.
July 9th, 2006
I usually find whatever Futureshop has by way of components (hd, optical drives, ram, ect.) at less than half what they're selling it for at a shop three blocks away. Low prices my left nut.
June 22nd, 2006
She writes e-mails, too! http://sephslave.ytmnd.com
May 27th, 2006
On on the site ?Stephaine Pushes It.
Um, no, children don't turn me on. Cue the Brian Peppers theme!
May 27th, 2006
On on the site ?Bye, WINDOWS XP!