vlad3163's recent comments:

May 1st, 2007
On on the site ?Pulp Fiction: 300
For all you f*cking retards who keep posting "Kill BillKill BillKill Bill" http://youtube.com/watch?v=4lFz8sXmZRk "Pulp Fiction: The Dead N*gg*r Dialogue" The scene is from Pulp Fiction. That is it. It doesnt matter if it was in the Kill Bill deleted scenes or not the fact remains that this sound clip is from Pulp Fiction so STFU already.
January 12th, 2007
On on the site ?Come WoW Fans
5'd because I'm in there somewhere.
January 12th, 2007
On on the site ?G-man boots up
Pure Win.
December 2nd, 2006
teh funneh though my fave bad voice acting line came from RE2. "Ada! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" ROFL @ Leon falling in love with a woman hes known for all of 2 days mb.
November 1st, 2006
Thanks for helping me remember the name. +5!!
October 24th, 2006
Its a dirty note. The penis mightier than the sword.
October 23rd, 2006
October 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?DR-L337'S DAY OFF
-5 for utterly ruining that scene of Ferris Bueller, but +3 for editing in the reflection into his eyes.
October 14th, 2006
+4 fFFw
October 13th, 2006
rofl "And Mormons"
October 6th, 2006
its funny cause its true
October 6th, 2006
would be hotter with out man-jaw. But seriously, she could beat the sh*t out of Sessler. While watching XPlay I get the feeling she's waiting for him to say something really, really, really, really stupid (more so than usual).
May 21st, 2006
Good, would've been better if MM was actually in the game.
May 21st, 2006
On on the site ?Cosby Bebop
5'd and fav'd
April 5th, 2006
The setup and the end of that episode were great. For the guy who looks confused, the kids were tricked into thinking the killer whale was an alien from the moon, so they hired Mexicans to build a rocket to take him back. That's the last image you see
January 24th, 2006
Doesn't matter how inside the joke is, A Mongol sodomite stealing your dogs and son is still funny
January 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Corn on the Cob!
+4d for Duel of the Fates, +1 for mistranslation Lol
January 24th, 2006
5'd for the Steel Battalion
January 23rd, 2006
Not just you, but anyone who reads it, and/or laughs at it.