Solcutter's recent comments:

July 12th, 2007
M-m-monster kill!
May 10th, 2007
On on the site ?say no go
It's got soul..and a funky
April 29th, 2007
And this site is very VERY good..and shall survive :D
April 29th, 2007
word around the office is you were to late with the news...See at0micfly after work...3'ed...
April 29th, 2007
On on the site ?fatcocks
word around the office is that you had it first...5'ed
April 22nd, 2007
On on the site ?untitled
April 22nd, 2007
Awesome song and site, but it's not like girls really have to say they aren't gay if they comment on another girls booty O.o...they can just say they are bisexual..that would work well too..
April 22nd, 2007
Yeah some guys here don't get "Danish" humor, but I lol'd at this.
February 6th, 2007
FAV'ed ... that song was great!..and worked nicely in IE btw.
February 6th, 2007
On on the site ?Boomheadshot
Already done..try again?
August 21st, 2006
Well Done
August 21st, 2006
On on the site ?F*** WoW.
Lost a friend to wow huh? It's your own fault, if you cared you would have helped that friend get out about now, but noooo you had to come to ytmnd and moan about it..take a hint we don't care, you help your friend ;D.
August 14th, 2006
very good
August 14th, 2006
On on the site ?Danish Dynamite
It makes more sense than the guys that use "Amadeus" and think it can go in the dew army as "I'M A DANE LOL"
August 7th, 2006
On on the site ?Lonely Stormtrooper
Stormtrooper misses his blaster ;'(
August 7th, 2006
The-Terminator, You know what it would take to get people removed from the contest? A few anonymous emails saying "Dear Admin I heard a rumour like on this site called myspace that like you know have proof saying that the guy who is 1 # might be cheating..Don't know if its true...Just thought you might check it out cuz if he is I wouldn't come and see the movie and I'll also tell my friends to not go see it so like It would be great if you could remove the cheater..that would be really great..thanks.."
August 7th, 2006
it's pretty good
August 6th, 2006
On on the site ?hey
*But that version of "We Interrupt This Program" - tight.* - Oh yeah it's 8 Bit Gold baby!
July 8th, 2006
great my voteing dont seem to work
July 8th, 2006
shoot..forgot to vote
July 8th, 2006
if you mean that it was 20 years ago that it was released than I am afraid you might be mistaken since my google sources tells me it's from Dec 19, 1994 for dos. I'll give you 3 for a reminder of a great game.